This below sentences is part of the letter of appointment:
Your basic daily rate of pay is S$ 18.00 per day. Your salary may be adjusted at the Company’s discretion and your performance on the job.
You are entitled S$1.00 per day of increment per year which is as follows:
1st year = S$ 18.00
2nd year = S$ 21.00
3rd year = S$ 22.00
The annuity will stop due reaching the maximum of S$28.00 per day.
My question does the last sentence 'The annuity will stop due reaching the maximum of S$28.00 per day' implied that every year starting from 1st, second , third, fourth and ........ S$1.00 will be added to your daily rate pay until it reaches to a max of S$28.00 per day or is there any other sentences that I can used?
Thank you for your kind assistance.