
How do I compress the golf ball for a successful iron shot on the fairway?

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how do I compress the golf ball for a successful iron shot on the fairway? Is it more then just saying, hit down on the ball?




  1. I am not sure exactly what you are trying to say but compress doesn't fit any description for a successful fairway shot.The proper swing and stance will have the  player  hitting ball turf, in that order. The club will strike the lower third of the ball before it hits the turf where a divot is taken. Compression is the distortion of the ball when hit by the club. Compression also relates to the ball itself and reflects the degree of hardness. The lower the compression number the more it will  bend  when hit with a club.

  2. although most of us don't understanding what you are trying to say, I guess you're like me, you love playing golf but, even more.  Would love to hit the ball powerfully and consistently. Am I right?

    Hope it will be helpful for you to refer the following information to making some improvement for your Golf swing like a Pro ...

    Stick to it and keep on practicing often.  Enjoy it !

  3. yes. You must get the club in perfect position. And hit the ball perfectly. You don't necessaraly have to hit down on the ball to do this. Ask hale irwin. He has never taken a divot in his life. You must accelerate all the way through the ball, hit the ball first, on the sweet spot, and follow through. All right, ive said it, now if only i could accomplish it every time

  4. Well,....even though Googie says that your question isn't a valid one,....I believe that it is.  Check out this link.

    Remember what Roy recited to himself in Tin Cup when hitting iron shots???  ----->"Dollar Bills".

  5. Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Now draw a horizontal line under the circle and one parallel to that through the equator of the circle. Now draw a very shallow curve (radius 35") that passes just below the center of the circle and just above the equator line. This is the minimum arc you must swing on to compress the ball against the ground.

    If you then bring in a 52 degree angle (your pitching wedge) you will see the relationship of the clubface to this point of contact. This helps you to understand that compressing the ball is really a function of swing speed and the softness of the ball.

    Pinching the ball is merely a mental image, not a reality.

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