
How do I concentrate in my studies?

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Ok , even though I studied so well for the 1st test I only got a 4th rank and that is bad coz I want the first rank .Now my semesters are comingand I am not even feeling like studing or reading or doing anything.I just watch TV or surf on my computer.Even I have made a time table on what to do when but I am not able to follow it.So, can anyone tell me how can concentrate in my studies.




  1. leave out those things that are causing these, if you really want to concentrate in your studies then better start right now, lessen the TV and read more about the subject matter u want to excell, and always have time for yourself. hope this helps...

  2. What I did was I first unwinded when I got home. For a good hour or two, I do nothing but "veg" out. I'll start on the prep. for an assignment (planning out essays or projects, gathering materials). By then, it's dinner time. After dinner I complete the assignments that need complete attention (essays). When shows I watch come on, I multi-task and assemble posters, make flashcards, and do worksheets. If I could, I did my homework and studying in school during a study hall or free time after completing an assignment. That way I'd be free all afternoon/night.

    If you're a visual learner, I highly reccommend making flash cards. They're easy to use when studying right before a test or on the way to school (if you take a bus/ some one drives you).

  3. And just shut down your PC and stop asking question.

    Go to some studying

  4. ok, first u need to calm ur self down and DONT STRESS.

    u need to try to stay of the tv and the computer. right the way i would do it is go in to aquite place like the library take out some books to read that im in to. read for half an hour then for about 2 hours studie hard in the library. then do this every day on diffrent subjects it will really help. trust me. then if u want play on com or watch tv. at night time before u sleep go over wat u studied in the libarary.

    easy hah.

    hope it helps....

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