
How do I concentrate on school?

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Right now, i'm in grade 11. Last year I decided that this year, I would have to step it up, and jsut work my hardest. First semester, although it was easy, I stepped down, and dropped below the honour roll (by 1%), for the first time in high school. But, all I can concentrate on right now is soccer, and girls. Like, i'm obsessed with both, then comes school. But, I know that I can have both later, and I gotta do well in school. How can I concentrate on school, and not loose my other priorities. Heres the list right now:

1)Soccer ("soccer is life, everything else is mere details")

2) Girls

3) School

btw, thats basically how soccer is to me with that quote, but i'm not going to get anywhere with soccer, i can't go pro or anything. Heres how I want it to be:




And also, if its hard enough now, in a month, 25% of each days will be taken up by soccer, once the season starts




  1. Hey, 1% below honor roll is great! Don't be so hard on yourself. If you are really good at soccer, colleges will be falling all over themselves to recruit you. Good luck and keep up the good work, okay?

    It also might help to put God up in your priorities... Just saying.

  2. Just pray and ask God...that's the biggest thing you can do. And just study more i guess

    ♥hope that helped♥

  3. Whenever I get distracted, it helps me to pray.

  4. my brother did this and made straight As. first hed go to football practice, come home lift weights and srink protein smoothies then he'd study and only i the off season and on week ends would he mess around with girls

  5. pay more attention to your main priority then girls or you guy friends

  6. The Vegitarian has the BEST IDEA HERE!!!! I'm with her.

  7. Girls? I understand the school and soccer, but girls?

    I'm a girl, grade 11, but seriously the opposite s*x should be your last priority. School, it's going to get you somewhere, but high school, pimple faced, makeup caked girls - you'll be done with them in no time. Give em rest until you've pulled your school work up to the standard you want them to be.

    This doesn't mean you should give up on girls all together, but  keep away from serious relationships. After all, a social life is necessary to keep stability.

    My advice: keep your life in perspective. I'm taking from experience here. I go to an all girls private school in Sydney and have minimal relations with the male s*x. There are girls in my school that are so deprived they throw themselves at any boy that comes their way, but they also let there school work suffer. By avoiding boys altogether, I only have school, my mates and touch footy to fall on. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way.

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