
How do I configure MyYahoo to the old format? If I can't I am leaving for Google.?

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How do I configure MyYahoo to the old format? If I can't I am leaving for Google.?




  1. I agree, why implement something that gives less and worse information than before?

  2. Unfortunately it seems the new My Yahoo page is here to stay.  I read on Yahoo Blog that they are retiring Yahoo classic as of 14 July 2008.

    "Retiring the Original My Yahoo!

    In addition, we want to let you know that on July 14th we will be retiring the original My Yahoo! and moving everyone into the new version. At that point, access to the original My Yahoo! will no longer be enabled. The new version of My Yahoo! was built for you and similar to our recent advertising change, we will remain committed to improving the product based on your feedback."

  3. check in your mail window  i think its there

  4. I posted this response in a thread that is now closed, so maybe it will be seen here.

    It looks like there is a problem with legacy accounts.  As I indicate below, when you create a new account, it looks like new accounts have a completely different appearance in FireFox than those that are converted.  (See bottom of message)

    I agree. I gave feedback when it was being forced upon us over the past several months. I am okay with them upgrading and think it is a good thing. However, it needs to be good before forcing the change. That's why they have been doing the betas, right?

    The new version is a horrible waste of real estate with large areas of blank space, etc., especially when you are using larger fonts. Currently, my screen is showing the headline bar, 13 news headlines, and the personal assistant on the screen without scrolling.

    As others stated, the TV was already broken and the new mail was the worst, with text all jumbled and overwriting each other.

    Gotta' improve quickly or I'm moving on.

    Edit: Ahh, now I see. If I use an IETab, then it looks completely different. Hey Yahoo! developers, did you even try this out in FireFox??

    Edit2: Oops, I was wrong. Once I logged in using IE, it changed. Maybe there's some settings in our legacy accounts that break it. I may try to create a new account and see if it looks different.

    Hmm...Well I created a new account and logged in and it looks correct. You can test the account using the following login (before some idiot abuses the login) using: rabbit_test/badyahoo as the login.

  5. yahoo is simply uncooperative. all you can do is hit them where they live; maybe they'll get the idea.

    here is a place where you can get a hosts file replacement and painless installer which will prevent the download and appearance of yahoo (and many others') advertising:

    please tell your friends, and help many newbies.

    in the end, i honestly hope that yahoo comes to it's senses, but in lieu of that, i suppose that it should be more humane to hasten their consumption by microsoft. . .

    (by the way, there IS a difference between new-coke and new-their-yahoo: coke didn't have a choice: there was some spice-plant vital to the recipe of the original original-coke which grew only amongst coca plants in central america. the dea killed that plant off in their efforts of strafing coca with herbacide. coke was forced to distract the public for a few years in order to reformulate the new original-coke without our noticing a sudden change in the recipe. yahoo is doing this to us just for fun and profit.)

  6. You cannot go back.  I've gone to iGoogle as my home page, there's plenty of options there that will give you about what you want.

    I'll come back to Yahoo if they allow the old "My Yahoo" page format, otherwise I'm happy to give my advertising eyes to Google, and Yahoo can go down the drain as irrelevant.

  7. original my yahoo

  8. They "updated" you, and your original page is gone.

    This is like when Coca-Cola tried to force "new" Coke on everyone, even though it was inferior.

    Go to the following page and register your disgust:

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