
How do I connect my Tivo to my HD cable box?

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A couple of years ago my husband bought me a Tivo DVR box for Mother's Day. I work second shift so I could record shows while at work. We plugged it into our cable box and it worked very nicely. Then we bought a nice HD wide screen TV. We decided to upgrade our cable box to one with HD channels. It was installed. However I realized that there was not a jack for the Tivo connection on the new HD box. I contacted the cable company, their solution was to suggest I rent their DVR box. I refused since I already had a perfectly good unit. The only way my TIVO works is if I have the TV on the station I want to record.

Basically how can I connect my Tivo directly to my HD box?

The Tivo is by Toshiba, it is a seris 2. The HD box is by Motorola




  1. If you want to record HD then I would say get a new HD Tivo, request a CableCARD from your cable provider and ditch the cable box. With CableCARD the Tivo will do the tuning.

    I believe the Series 2 only tunes analog signals so, if you're still getting analog cable as part of your digital/HD service (you should be), just get a cable splitter and give the Tivo it's own connection to the cable. Then plug it in to it's own input on the TV. Not a pretty solution as you end up using the HD box OR Tivo, but it would work.

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