
How do I contact a flight attendant on Yahoo Answers ?

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I am interested in dating with a flight attendant. Has any passenger actually ever gotten off with a flight-attendant by simply chatting one up on a flight or at the Airport. Is there a success rate. I am more interested in stories from people on this. Sure it's more than just the uniform or is it ? As a frequent flyer they are the most contact I have with women, do I need to broaden my horizon then ? In my opinion I think frequent flyers may have more in common with flight attendants than most other people (For knowing about Schedules, aircraft, around airports etc.) Am I correct. Next up are servisair !




  1. I'm by no means a flight attendant, but I am a very frequent flyer.  I've found that when talking with them, it definitely helps to have the experience, whether it be a casual conversation or trying to get a ticket changed.  They just seem to be more inclined to interact with someone who knows what they're talking about and who knows what they have to deal with on a daily basis.

    Just my two cents =]

  2. I think if you're a 1st class or business class frequent flyer you'll have a better chance of having a nice chat with a flight attendant. The flight attendant to passenger ratio is much higher and most F/A's in economy class don't have much time to talk to the passengers. I've had some nice conversations with F/A's on business class flights, and I'm sure they would perceive a business or 1st class FF as someone that would be more desirable to date. A friend of mine married a F/A he met on a flight, and he isn't an economy class flyer.

  3. I'm a flight attendant, if you're interested.  My number is 973-919-4983.

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