
How do I contact the marina vhf marine radio?

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Just bought a standard horizon radio and my marina says contact on vhf 37m the radio has M1 & M2 built in for marinas which one should I use,course on vhf in the pipeline but want to go boating now any help appreciated Thanks




  1. initially try vhf channel 16 then they will redirect you to a working frequency.

  2. I agree with Sailorbro.....  But, I'd like to make a couple suggestions. First transmit on low (1 w. power)  there is a hi-lo switch.  The LCD screen will tell you which you are using.  Then don't be afraid to call the marina, by name, and identify yourself by your call sign.  That can be the name of your boat, or like a user name on the computer.  Call on   M-1 or Ch. 68.

      Land based VHF monitor 16 and a "working channel" M-1 or 68.

  3. So it looks like channel 37, try that one first.

    "Salty Dog Marina, Salty Dog Marina, this is pleasure craft Jose Cuervo."

    Repeat if necessary.

    Continue conversation.

    Many marinas will monitor ch. 9 and.or 16. Use the same hail as above and when they answer, simply say, "Salty Dog please go to 68, Jose Cuervo over."

    Switch to 68 and continue conversation.

    Please remember 16 is for hailing and emergency only.

    Also, points of etiquette: 1. VHF is not a CB radio, 10-4 and trucker talk is not recognized. 2. Many people are listening, including the water patrol agencies, WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE.


  4. contact the marina in question by phone to get there vhf channel , not every marina has the same channel.

  5. firstly the guy saying there is no 37 is completly wrong.

    37 is split into 2 seperate chanells 37A and 37B these are also called M1 and M2. im guesing your mariner is on M1 but phone them to find out.

    as for contacting them the procedure for calling any station is saying their name 3 times then "this is" an your boats name 3 times. for example:

    "Mayflower Marina, Mayflower Marina, Mayflower Marina, this is Alice, Alice, Alice, over"

    they will the return your call with somthing along the lines of:

    "Alice, Alice, Alice,this is, Mayflower Marina, Mayflower Marina, Mayflower Marina, over"

    you can then say what ever you need to say to them ending each transmisssion with over and your last transmision with out.

    never say over and out.

    you should realy have a radio licence you are allowed to use chanel 37 witout one but that it unless its an emergancy.

    i hope this helps.

  6. Most marinas monitor 16 or 9 depending on your location, then switch to a working channel.  Some only monitor the working channel.  There is no 37 on VHF.  It will most likely be 9,68,69,71,72 or 79.

  7. just experiment until you find what you want

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