
How do I convince her??? ?

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I played basketball on my school's team last year and I want to this year. But my mom doesn't want me to. I want to play volleyball also but I won't push it. How can I convince her to let me play sports. I wish she could see that I'm happiest when I'm playing sports.

Any advice?




  1. You could ask your mother if there is a reason you can't play sports this year... (without being whiney)... and just let her know it's important to you to be involved in sports.  Maybe she'd reconsider.

  2. maybe she has other reasons. do you have good grades? show her that you can juggle both school and sports and that you're great in both. :D talk to her, and ask her why calmly. :D good luck :)

  3. That really depends on why your mom doesn't want you to play.  Grades?  Behavior?  Injury?  Conflicting schedules?  Give more info and I can be more helpful.

    Re: Additional Details- Maybe the first step should be finding out what her reasons are.  Then you could make some sort of deal, like keeping your grades up.  She may have other concerns that are out of control, in which case you would not be able to negotiate around them.  Ultimately she has the last say, so I would advise approaching the topic rationally so she can deal just with the issue and not any resultant whining (not that I'm accusing you of whining, that's just how a lot of teenagers try to make their points and then fail miserably).

    Good luck!

  4. I think you and your mom need to have a deep, meaningful talk about why you want to play these sports, and why you feel that she doesn't want you to. If she comes up with reasons such as, it will give you less time to spend on your grades than you need to be prepared to be a busy girl and convince her of this, or reevaluate the situation.


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