
How do I convince my Mum to let me do correspondence school (homeschooling)??

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I can still do NCEA and get the qualificatons i need to get into university, but my mum doesnt really understand. She believes in conventional schooling. I live in New Zealand and we dont have virtual schools on the internet, but we can get correspondence school, which is the same curriculum that the schools do anyway.

I go to a Private school, which is alright, but i have pretty crappy teachers and our classes are streamed, but not very well. I just want to be able to work at my own pace , without having to wait for everyone to finish




  1. I was homeschooled all my life until college, so I know a few things.

    It's important to realize that homeschooling is all about independance. I wasn't traditionally homeschooled; I taught myself everything. I worked on a computer program called S.O.S. Basically, you do all your work on a computer. No one tells you when things are due and no one forces you to do schoolwork everyday. You have to do it all on your own. You have to want an education, not have someone tell you to get one.

    It's really not easy, but if it's what you want, then just go for it. If it were me, I'd do the independant thing and tell my parents what I want to do, not ask their permission.

    Parents usually give in if you support yourself well and are very persistent. Just don't give up and more importantly: Plan this out on your own. Let them do as little as possible to figure out how it will work out.

  2. Prepare a presentation for her.

    Make a really nice flip-chart, graph, power-point or movie and explain the whole concept very well.

    Be sure to say WHY you want to switch - give good, specific reasons!

    The best way to convince her is to give her a full understanding and have an answer to all her questions.

    Prepare to debate and have a resolution to every issue she will bring up.

    Oh and - just curious - you don't have to answer but wouldn't you miss all your friends? I would.

    Good Luck! : )

  3. You could make contact with other homeschoolers. My 2 eldest sons got into Akld Univ from homeschooling by enrolling in the NZCS for the last year. Once you're 16 yo the NZCS is available to you as an "adult", so costs about $100 per subject. Before that you can't just choose to do NZCS. You'd need to be officially homeschooling & then pay about $1.5k per subject,

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