
How do I convince my dad to let me go to a party??

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Ok only 15. But Im part of the crowd in school who always parties. &&I'm being serious. I'm not being over dramatic or anything. Most of my friends are 15-22 years old &&everyone but me parties. &&well all my friend throw the most over the top parties about every 2-3 weeks. My friends have some of the best parties, that they have to keep very quiet when they're having get togethers because if ppl hear about it, a lot of really random ppl show up &&it becomes a party that wasn't intended. Well, now that I've gotten that point across..let me go on. My mom died when I was 8 so my dad is over protective of me. He doesn't let me do a lot &&it pissed me off. How can would I get his approval to go??

&&please dont tell me to sneak out..because I did that a year ago..&&I'm not doing it again!




  1. you use the screen name Let Me Rock Your World and you want your father to let you go to parties cause you are a party person ....HMMMMMM..... I CAN"T IMAGINE WHY HE WON'T LET YOU GO!!!!!

  2. get his trust...if you do he will let you go. on how to do it...think.. it is you who knows your dad...  

  3. just sit down and talk with him, tell him where you'll be and who'll be there....just leave out most of which he will not approve. If he doesn't trust you it will be hard. If that is the case...try to build up his trust in you first. Plus, when you get your can just go wherever and lie....thats what i did :)

    thats not that far away depending on where you live in the states

  4. Build his trust and confidence in you by showing him that you're capable of being a mature 15 year old. No drinking, no drugs, no s*x.

    Sit down with him and have a one on one talk with him. Say "Dad, I'm sorry I snuck out of the house that one time. I promise I'll never do it again. That's why i'm here asking for permission to go to this party." Throwing in a promise to be home before curfew probably wouldn't hurt either. And hold true to your promise!

    Also, tell him who will be at the party and that there will not be alcohol or drugs.  

  5. Have a good talk with your daddy if you really want to party.

    Otherwise do some readings or exercising or even learn how to cook a good meal for your daddy.

    Is better to be an obedient and loving child than a rebellious and unloved child.

  6. Its very hard but do you best and tell that you need that he trust you.

  7. yeah sneaking out sucks. what you need to do is say your sleeping over one of your friends houses, and go to the party. then get a ride home in the morning. seriously, thats what i do, i party all the time and im 15

  8. okay, have a best friend that your dad will trust and let your best friend talk about it with your dad or tell her that she's going. and make sure that  you don't tell you dad anything bad about the party. or maybe tell him that no boys will be there. that's how i convince my parents!

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