
How do I convince my friend he won't be g*y?

by Guest65335  |  earlier

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I've been friends with this guy, Tony, for about six years. He's always been good at dancing. Break dancing, tango, waltz, just about any kind of dance, he can do it. But he doesn't dance in public. Just around his friends and family.

Anyway, we're going into high school this year and were mailed a list of clubs available to freshman, and one of them is a dance class. It's open to every grade, both s*x, and does alot of different dances. His family, friends, and I are trying to convince him to sign up for the class. He wants to join, but is convinced that if he does, he'll be considered 'g*y', and be rediculed by everyone for all high school years.

We're not sure what do. We're not trying to force him to join, despite his fear of being called 'g*y', we're trying to convince him that joining a dance class doesn't classify him as 'g*y'.

So, any ideas?




  1. Tell him some of the best dancers have been men. Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly for example. And no one I know every called them g*y because of it. Besides that there are a lot of guys, myself included, wish we could dance. I think the only way he might even be considered g*y by anyone is if he starts to take ballet lessons. Being able to dance well is a ability that a lot of women appreciate in a man. They definitely hate some guy stepping on their toes while they are dancing, Good Luck and I hope you can convince him to take dancing lessons.

  2. Just tell him to check it out for one day, I'm sure that there will be plenty of guys there also. I'm sure it will also make him quite popular with the ladies, since most love a man that can dance well.

    please sign this petition

  3. That is ridiculous. Just because you dance does not mean you are g*y. There are plenty of straight dancers out there. Try and get him to see that the people that make fun of him are just disgusting people and he does not have to waste his time and feeling on him. Sometimes you just have to look over people and not let them get to you. I hope you can get him to follow through with his dancing. Good luck. :)

  4. A LOT of guys are like that but as the years go on it's being considered cooler for guys to be in a dance...People in this century mostly could care less what gender you are...tell him that a lot of girls find it kind of s**'s the truth it's not like your lying!

  5. Dance isn't g*y. Show him pics of tons of guys dancing. And tell him not to care what other people say. If he's passionate about dance, nothing should stop him!

  6. Find out what other 'guys' are taking the class and have them talk to him. This way he can develop new friendships and aquire a new confidence.

  7. The other guys may try to make fun of him because he's in a dance class.  But here's what Tony hasn't thought about yet:  There are ALWAYS more females than males in a dance class.  Those few guys are very much in demand, and they get to dance with ALL the girls.  Come time for a school dance, and all the girls will know who the good dancers are.

    By the way, I was involved in competitive dance for several years.  There were 300 or 400 men who I ran into regularly on our dance circuit.  I met exactly TWO g*y men.  All the rest were very very hetero.  And you couldn't tell by watching a man dance with his female partner just which of the men were g*y.  

    A man who knows how to waltz properly ..... oh honey, light my fire!  :-)

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