
How do I convince my husband to stop enabling our drug addicted daughter?

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Every time I make her leave- he calls her home....we decide to change the locks- he gives her a key....we decide no money...well- you know the rest..

I love her dearly, but I feel like he has chosen her happiness over mine.




  1. she probably is daddy's little girl, maybe your just being too harsh on her putting her out on the street isn't going to solve anything she might start selling her body to men for drugs or a roof to live under since you kicked her out of yours just take her to rehab. Maybe this "we" decisions are just YOU decisions and Both of you need to decide on something comfortably  

  2. He probably feels that while she is under the same roof as you he can keep an eye on her.Can you both sit her down & tell her how much you love & care for her,& the hurt of seeing her do this to herself is eating away at you.Is there anyway you can convince her to go to rehab?It doesn't sound like she has the strength to do it alone.Don't let your daughters drud addiction come between you & your husband.

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