
How do I convince my mom? I'm 14?

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I feel dizzy from time to time( lasts around 10-20seconds). I feel that I should lay down or sit or else i'll fall down. When I sit or lay down, it leaves. I also have a pale face and i'm sometimes tired. How can I convince her to take me to the doctor? When I told her she told me because of my poor diet and the doctor won't do anything. Well, I don't eat much healthy food, I mostly eat fast and junk food.




  1. Your mom is right, you are feeling this way because your body does not have the enough energy.  Food = Energy for your body.  

    But your mom should care enough to take you to the doctor too.  If it is interfering with her work schedule ask her to take you to a walk in clinic in the evening or on the weekend.  

    If she still doesn't take you, call the Department of Children Services and tell them you haven't been feeling well and want to go to the doctor but your mom won't take you. That should get her attention.

  2. Use the process of elimination. If you know you have poor eating habits, fix it. Drink milk and water. Stop the fast food and junk food. Take vitamins. If after a month you still have symptoms you may need to see your doctor.

  3. Listen to your mom and start eating right. You'll want to take care of your body now before you develop health problems that you may already have. If you get dizzy, you may have low blood pressure, anemia, or diabetes (i'm not a doctor but these are some things you might have). Start eating well, and go for a routine checkup with your pediatrician. If the symtoms continue, tell him/her about them.  

  4. Your mom could be right. Try asking her to take you to a nutritionist. Tell her you want to start eating right, so you want to see a nutritionist who will help you plan the meals. You can tell your nutritionist your symptoms, and she or he may then recommend to your mom that she take you to the doctor.  

  5. Well it probably is because of your poor diet, you should start eating healthy food and it might stop. Eating junk food most of the time is really bad so you should stop that because once you do your dizziness is most likely to go away too. If you want to go to the doctor try telling your mom if she can take you because you want to see what the doctor thinks about it, if she says no then just go with what i told you before.  

  6. i'm 14 too

    hun it's NOT a big deal. it's been happining to me for a few years, worce lately, but really, it's alright.

    just sit down. she's right the doctors CAN'T do anythign about it.

    also try to eat healthier, sugar crashes make it worce. a lot worce

  7. The fast food and junk food could be one thing... thats causing it. But I wouldn't risk it! I would go see the doctor anyway.... just to make sure. Don't put it off, cause who knows it could be something serious!

    Cause I thought I had a hearing problem in my left ear, my parents just said it was selective hearing, but I went to see the doctor, and he said it could be otoscelerosis....

    You should just tell your mum straight in the eye that your gut tell you some thing's wrong. Better be safe than sorry right?

  8. Try to eat healthy food and drink more water. I find water helps alot. Bring it up at the next visit.

  9. She's probably right. Why waste your time, her time, and the doctor's time having him tell you that? If you know your diet is bad, then fix it. You're not a baby.

  10. u need to go get sum water  

  11. Sounds to me like you're anemic. Try eating foods rich in Iron like spinach(i know it sucks but that's how I got my iron levels a bit higher). Anyway try going to a nutritionist or get a blood test(if you don't hate needles like me :|)

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