
How do I convince my mom I'm ready for another cat?

by  |  earlier

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We have two cats. One is diabetic, grumpy, but kind at heart. He likes to lie around places for hours without moving one muscle. I would think he was dead if I didn't see him breathing. He is ten years old. His birthday was last week.

We have another cat, 3-4 years old, very happy and fun and cute. he likes to play, but our other cat is old and doesn' like playing, so our younger cat is lonely and constantly seeking attention from our older cat, which adds to his stress level. I think a new cat for your younger cat to play with would help.

We also have two dogs, who are very friendly with cats. They're very old and they will die soon, one of them within a year or less, I'm afraid to say. He is twelve this year. The other is ten, but she never eats and we practically have to force her. She only eats about a quarter of her food when we give it to her.

I'm lonely too, like our younger cat, and the dogs don't play anymore. And our younger cat has a short attention span and only plays with me maybe two minutes every day.

I want a kitten to fill this gap in my heat. I'm ready to love another cat, but my Mom doesn't see that.

I do he litter every day. I feed them. I clean up their messes. What else can I do to show her I'm ready for a new cat?


How much does is cost to spay/neuter a kitten and him it all it's shots and stuff? Maybe if I pay for it my Mom will warm up a little to it. I have about two hundred dollars and I'm earning more babysitting my neighbors kids.




  1. If you get a cat from a shelter like i did, some shelters will include the neutering and spaying. And most come with all there vaccines if you get it from a shelter.

    Go to and they help alot in finding shelters that do all that stuff by where you live.

  2. It sounds like you have lots of responsibility right now. Vet bills for older or sick pets can pile up quickly. I'm sure you have the best of intentions towards your pets-I see they get vet care and are loved. Why not wait a while so you can have extra time to spend with the ones you have now?  They will be gone one day and you will miss them.

    Costs for vetting at my vet:





    FIV test- $35

    Worming w/fecal test-$15

    Flea meds-$45 for 3 months of Advantage

  3. beg

  4. show her your ʎssnd

  5. you should show her how u love ur cat and dont let her do any thing 4 ur cat do it and show her that u love ur cat and could bear responsiblity of another cat good luck and have fun

  6. when i got my two cats (and soon to be the third) spayed/neutered, I got it done with T.E.A.M. (a mobile spay/neuter unit in my area), and it only cost me $67 which included the altering AND shots, per cat. You can ask your vet to see if there is any mobile unit near you.

    As for convincing your mom, good luck lol I have to convince my husband when I want another animal. The way that I do that is to write down all of the extra cost and work. Honestly though, an extra cat is not that much extra work. You will need an extra litter box, but that's not a big deal in my mind. A little extra food isn't to difficult either. When we just had two cats, we still spent the same amount of money on them and everything, and all I had to do is get another litter box. I use the Breeze cat litter system, which keeps smells to an absolute minimum, which is nice!

    Good luck  :)

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