
How do I convince my mom and dad to let me date an 18 yr old?

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I am 2 yrs and 8 months younger than the boy I like, and to be honest love. He loves and likes me too. We have been hanging out for about 4 months and have been on over 3/4 dates which is usual standard for we are dating. My mother will not admit that i am dating this boy, although she lets him come over and hang out. I am willing to obey all my mom and dads rules as long as I can date him. Any ideas on how i can get them to say yes he is your boyfriend.




  1. Just start calling him your boyfriend in front of everyone you know.  I mean, he is your boyfriend, right?  Your parents will have to just deal with it.  Just know that they may try to keep you two apart somehow beings that you're "in love" and all.  

    I had a boyfriend when I was 16 that I loved and my parents sent me to live with my dad during the summer so that we couldn't be together as often.  Then when school started, THEY TRANSFERED ME!!  (Is that some chicken-sh*t or what...)  They worked so hard to seperate us and finally it worked.  After high school we went our seperate ways, got married at the same time, divorced at the same time, found our way back together and are living in complete bliss now.  

    Only you two know if you're really in love.  And your parents ARE in a hard situation.  But everyone should be honest about the reality of your relationship.  It's the only to keep everyone on the same page.  So if he's your boyfriend, let the world know!!

  2. Sorry, but I think that's a little too much of an age and maturity gap so if I was your parents I wouldn't admit you were dating him either. As stupid as it sounds if you were only 2 years apart then I wouldn't have such a problem with it, but as is - you're too close to 3 years apart for adults to be comfortable with it right now.

  3. you because its wrong

  4. trust me you just dont want to.

    but tell them youll obey the rules

  5. yeah i agree not a good idea. your only 16 and he is 18.  

  6. Are you 15 or 16. If your 16, your above legal age and can date him regardless of what your parents say.  

  7. you dont....i dont think its a good idea. either.

    sorry -  

  8. there is the same age gap between my boyfriend and i ♥. you have to realise that your parents will think the obvious that he is too old. But i suggest just letting your mum & dad get to know him, if they see the boy in him you do then i cant see why they would have a problem with you two dating. you seem like a sensible girl listening and wanting to obey your parents but if you really love this boy ♥ then i think you should just show your mum all his good qualities and hopefully you will get the boyfriend you want.

    Good Luck & All The Best ♥ x

  9. older guys like to the grown and dirty thing, so i have to no~sorry

  10. ugh. i don't know about this.

    just keep trying. have him come over and eat dinner and just be very respectful towards you and your family.  

  11. I know lots of people will say hes too old, but my parents have 7 years between them. You can't MAKE them like him, just make sure he's on his best behavious (no making out in front of your parents!) and introdude him to your parents, ask them to give themselves a chance to like him. Good luck!

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