
How do I convince my mom that Bike's are safe?

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Well I got my mom to look at a 200$ bike and she was on board with the idea at first but then she was like "Bikes are unsafe! you could hurt yourself!". I thought that the logic she just used made no sense what-so-ever but I currently don't have a bike and I know how to ride one perfectly, on some occasions I use my friend's bikes to go off jumps and so far haven't gotten any injuries. (My mom doesn't know about me going on my friend's bikes or else I would be dead now). Thanks in advanced.




  1. Try showing you will be resposible and careful.

    Say you'll wear a helmet, am aware of the road rules & will stick to quieter roads where possible.

    Do you know any adults who you can ride with on occassion, because that might appease your mum.

    When riding, say you'll tell her where about you are going & when you might be back.

    Maybe other to do some extra chores & show that you can be trusted doing things - so you're seem responsible enough.

  2. not having a bike? biking is my life, tell her you can wear a helmet and even knee pads if u need to. i dont wear any protection but whatever, also she wont have to drive you to your friends house and everything. biking is fun every kid should have an opportunity to bike.

  3. you have a better chance of injuring yourself in your home than on a bike.

    Tell your mom that you rather have an xbox or ps3, and want to spend all your time in front of the tv so you can get fat and lazy. Maybe she might realize getting on a bike and getting physically active isn't so bad. Have her ride too.

  4. Almost every kid in the USA has or had one. Tell her to sell her car, they are dangerous too. So is eating junk food.

  5. Tell her no matter what happens that you will in fact be dead someday. Tell her she is stealing your childhood, bike riding is actually a  HEALTHY thing to do. I crash my bike all the time, its kind of fun! Wear your helmit. Tell your mom to quit being paranoid.

  6. Tell her you'll wear a helmet, and your responsible (etc)

  7. It's not the bike which is safe, or unsafe.  It's the rider.  And your mom knows this.

  8. hmmm, sounds like you are experiencing a case of "paranoid mom syndrome" or PMS, symptoms often include you parent(s) not letting you buy a bike, It is usually caused by a tragic event in one's past life. There are no known cures.

  9. Give her the stats.

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