
How do I convince my mom to let me be homeschooled? =(?

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I really want to be. She wont take me seriously. She just think i dont "feel" like going to school. Im miserable in school. Id be so much happier being homeschooled. And id have NO probloms. Like with teachers and other kids. =(

And if u dont agree and think I should just go to school, please dont answer. Thanks.




  1. How much does she know about home schooling? Do some research and show her what you learn about it on your own.

    Make it your first "home schooling" assignment and make it good! Then ask her to grade it and reconsider your request!

  2. As said before me: First assignment! Put together the pros and cons, and an a personal essay as to why homeschooling would benefit you AND your mother. Make sure you give details on why you would like to homeschool in the first place, and give resources on how y'all can get started.

    If you do your part, and educate yourself on homeschooling so you can help educate your mother, best case scenerio, she'll give into it. :)

    Don't give up! Show her that you're dead serious about it.

  3. she probably doesnt have the money to pay for it.Why dont u want to go to school, is it because kids tease u or something? if they do dont worry about it. just ignore them or tease them back!!

  4. I was home schooled until grade 3 and loved it. I hated public school and begged my parents to home school me again. They never did. What I ended up doing is educating myself in many areas I wanted to learn. In the end I would say that

    95%+ of what I know is self taught while only a small amount was given to me by others.

    So if all else fails you can learn in spite of your schooling.

    Good luck.

  5. keep telling your mum how sad you are and that this is your decision and if you want to get homeschooled she should let you.

  6. I agree with you totally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go to

  7. I know how you feel. I'm going through a similar situation where I never go into school and would prefer to be taught at home unti I feel like I can actually manage school. You could try doing what I'm doing right now researching everything you possibly can about home schooling telling her about it and then showing her a website I might also write down my feelings and how I feel when I have to go into school and when I'm in school for her to read and if she doesn't understand the chances are I'll go talk to somebody more professional until I get what i need

  8. Check out this book: it has a chapter on talking to your parents about homeschooling:

    You can get a used copy online for just a few dollars.

    And for the person who said homeschooling costs a lot of money: it can be done for free.

  9. I was in the same position as you were...I hated going to school. I was fortunate to have wonderful friends and that was the only reason I went, for the social part of it. I had to convince my parents and how I did that was by going online- try  It is REALLY easy and you get a real high school diploma. Its is an accredited school and everything. Dont do the "college prep course" it is more money and you can get the same out of it by just doing the other one, and sorry I can not remember what its called. Another thing, is that I paid for it on my own. The payments are really cheap, I think I paid $40 a month. So make sure you show your mom you are ready to take responsibility and do this on your own...the hardest part is actually DOING IT! While I quit regular school I got a job. Mind you that just because you got out of school, doesn't mean sleeping in all day, it means you are ready to be an adult :) I hope this helps :)

  10. May I suggest a compromise. Your goal is to stay home. Your mom wants you to attend a public school.  Do you know that you can both get what you want ? My daughter stays home all day, and does her school work on the internet, using a web-based public school.  She attends ECOT because she lives in Ohio.  Web-based public schools don't charge you money to enroll.  You get to stay home, but you have teachers that send you homework on-line.  She's happy not to have to go to school, but I'm happy because she is stll taking classes, passing them, and working towards getting her high school diploma.  Search for an on-line public school like ECOT.

  11. Have you considered an online school?

    In Florida, we have Florida Virtual School, but your state may have something out. Connections Academy may have something to do in your state.

    Those are FREE online public schools, with full accredited courses. If your state doesn't have any, you can always enroll in a private virtual school.

  12. Take a look at the literature of this homeschool curriculum. The principles of the curriculum were designed originally by an educator named Charlotte Mason. Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason (January 1, 1842 – January 16, 1923) was a British educator who invested her life in improving the quality of children's education. Her ideas led to one of the primary methods of homeschooling.

  13. well tell your mother how it affects you persoanlly, also, she is probablyinterested in your education, so appeal to that side, tell her you would learn so much more as you would be able to learn at the speed apropriate for you, and wouldn't be dragged down by any other students

  14. To add one point- homeschooling does NOT have to be expensive. With homeschooling, you can pick and choose to meet your mom's criteria.

    Try googling virtual schools in your state. Many of them give a free computer and curriculum (all books) and teacher guidance so that is often a good option.

    Google homeschooling sites, which have eloquent stories of kids who homeschooled and are happy and have great academic success.Share these with your mom. Show her  a plan so she knows you're serious about the school part. Good luck!

  15. Home schooling takes a LOT of time, work, effort and money on the part of the parent. Take some initiative to show her why it is a good choice for you, because it isn't easy. Don't bug her about it constantly, but do as much research as you can so that you can intelligently discuss the pros and cons. If you show her that you care enough to put time into research, she may reconsider the thought that you just don't want to work on academics.

    If your Mom is already a stay-at-home, ignore this:

    Also, remember that the financial aspects of it can be challenging. Even though cheap and free curriculum is very available, almost no single parent families and not even all two-parent families can afford to have a person stay home. You have to consider the amount of money that you would simply not get because a parent would have to stay home.

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