
How do I convince my mom to let me buy something?

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How do I convince my mom to let me buy something? I want to buy a steering wheel and a pedal for PC. She says that I will get bored of it after 2-3 days of playing or it will use too much space... how do I convince her?




  1. Tell her that you'll prove her wrong by liking it longer.

    Offering to pay for it yourself never hurts, either.

  2. I agree with your mum. And I'm a teen. Our society is so consumerist it's just ridiculous. Go give your $50 or whatever to a charity instead. It could save lives. You tell me what's more important...

  3. If it's your money, your mom really shouldn't try and stop you. If that's what you choose to spend your cash on, as long as you rightfully earned it and it's not some kind of parent handout, or allowance, then you point out to her that, it's yours and you earned it, ans you should be allowed to spend YOUR money on whatever YOU want to buy. That's what I told my mom and she said I was right and understood...

  4. Don't mention it to her for a few days, then ask her again very nicely if you can buy it with your own money. Remind her that you have been saving, otherwise you wouldn't have enough money to buy it. This should prove to her that you have been responsible and really want the wheel. If she still says no, leave it for about a week, then tell her that you've been thinking about the wheel and still really want it.

    Basically, you've just got to show her that you've thought about it for a while and really want it. It isn't something that you have just decided that you want really quickly without thinking about it.

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