
How do I convince my mom to let me get a computer in my room [ I need it in 2 days]

by  |  earlier

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  2. First convince her that you have the money to buy the computer, and that you won't be asking her to finance it.

    Then point out to her all the responsible actions that you have taken recently, to show her that you can be trusted to have a computer in your room.

    If you haven't been trustworthy recently, or ever, start to show her that you can be responsible. Offer to do odd jobs, even when you don't feel like doing anything.

    If she sees that you can be trusted, she might think about letting you have your way.

  3. If she's a good mom, you'll never convince her. Computer usage by kids (especially teens) needs to be monitored for safety reasons. My kids aren't even allowed to have cable TV in their room.

  4. You do NOT need a computer in your room.

    If your family has one and it works (obviously it does or you would not be on here) then USE it.Too many teenage children get into too much trouble because they have way too much freedom.Listen to your parents, you'll be glad you did later.

  5. Ummm Well U Cud Take Ur Mom To A Computer Store And Jst Say Ur Looking Around And then U Get  a Computer And Be lyk Ohh thats At A Niice Price For Wat It Is And thn Sae All The Thngs U Cud Use It For? And Suuk Up *** Much Az U Can! :D

    Hope Thiis Helps?

  6. why do you need it so urgently? maybe tell her you need it for homework and say youll help out at home

  7. why do you need it so badly?  

  8. probably thinks you want to look at p**n so i dont know how

  9. well you list the reasons why you need it and research different computers and their costs...this could show that you are trying to be grown up about it....if she says no then ask her why she is saying no

  10. Why do you need a computer in your room so badly?  You're probably not going to like this, but with all of the on-line predators out there, your mom is doing the right thing by not letting you have a computer in your room.  Listen to her, respect her, know that she loves you and wants to keep you safe.

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