
How do I convince my mom to let me get homeschooled?

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How do I convince my mom to let me get homeschooled?




  1. You need to have lots of info to show her.  It is her choice.  There may be a good reason why she's sending you to school.  If she works, that can be another obstacle.  She may be overwhelmed, so that's why she's not doing it.

  2. tell her theres internet sites that are like classes, and that there are tutars online, and that you can sleep in still, but still get your work done, and you wont have to spend 6 hours at school

    downside- harder to make friends.

  3. First, do some research on homeschooling.  Then talk to her rationally about the reasons you want to home school and why you think it would be a good choice for you.  

    Through the following link, you can find information on your state's homeschool laws.

    There is some general information on homeschooling in the link in the below this answer.  It talks about the advantages, disadvantages, statistics, etc.

    You also need to think of how you will homeschool if she has to work.  If you are an older teenager, you can probably stay home by yourself.

    You may want to try online homeschooling.  You could proceed at your own pace and still have  free time to pursue your interests.

    Good luck talking to your mom about it!

  4. why??

  5. What worked for me was I wrote my mom a letter saying why I didn't like school and wanted to be homeschooled. Thius way she was able to understand me better and she finally homeschooled me.

  6. In addition to the pros and cons, you should also pick a program/philosophy to follow and list the reasons why you chose that rather than another. You may want to online school, buy the box set of your state curriculum, follow Steiner, the classical method, or any number of curriculums put out for homeschoolers. Your mum has enough to do with her time, she won't want to go and do the research that you can do yourself. You do the work, then present your case to her at the end, able to answer all of her concerns.

  7. You might see if your local school district has an online learning program.  Some do.  If you graduate from a school district, you graduation is more likely to be accepted.  

    Also, if you are trying to convince your parents to allow it, completing a couple of courses on-line might convince them you can be serious about it.

    While Homeschooling sounds good, at the high school level it is problematic.  Science textbooks are written only from a religious point of view, not a science  point of view.  Colleges also require higher S.A.T. scores from people graduating from unaccredited programs.  

    Also, home school programs typically do not offer as high a level of study in math, and who are you turning your essays in to?  

    So, Why do you want to get homeschooled?

  8. This takes a lot of contemplation.  First of all, are you able to set clear and realistice goals?  Are you able to work independently?  You need to be very disciplined as well.  Keep in mind that you will feel isolated at times, therefore there should be some planning in getting together with other individuals or small groups who are also homeschooled.  If you and your mom sit and discuss the pros and cons and you are able to prove to her that you mean business, homeschooling could definitely work.  I try to tell people that nothing is set in stone, so if it doesn't work out after a year, you can always go back to what you were doing.

  9. First off, let me tell you, it's not easy. The whole convincing your mom part. At least for me it isnm't.

    The best thing to do is show her that you are determined. You have to be in homeschool.

    Find all the pros and CONS about homeschooling and present them to her and an appropriate manner. Don't make her make the decision fast. Don't rush her into making decisions.

    Look up your states laws at if you haven't already.

    If you know anyone else who is home schooled maybe let your mother talk to them about it.

    Check for local home school support groups and maybe contact them and let your mom check out the whole concept first.

    Anyways, I still haven't convince my mom  to homeschool me and I have been trying for the last few months. I've got nowhere. So good luck and I hope your mother lets you homeschool!

  10. I homeschool my daughter... I would sit down with a pro con list which you can find online and then your reason why you want to homeschool. If your reasons are for the right reasons I don't see why she wouldn't take it into consideration. If it is important to you then talk to her.

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