
How do I convince my mom to let me get more expensive clothes?

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We arent poor, together my parents make freaking 150k per year (Im really not trying to brag, Im explaining my frustration) and every year, my mom gives me around $100 for half of the school year, and $100 for the second half because she tells me to get $10 shirts and jeans. I gained around 10-15ish pounds(puberty caught up), and I have one pair of jeans that fits, and even those are completely torn up at the bottom. She ALWAYS says I can get new clothes when I get rid of the ones that dont wear anymore. Ill get rid of 5 pairs of pants, and get one new cheap pair cause thats all I can afford with what she gives me. The only reason I have almost all of the clothes I currently own is because my dad snuck me some money! Im going into high school this year, and I want to be able to go shopping and have FUN doing it, not being pissed off. Im planning on getting a job when its legal, but I still need help getting her to loosen up my clothes budget.




  1. just let her know how you feel

  2. How about instead of complaining about it, try to get the most of it. The less you spend on brand names and stuff, the more money you have to get more clothes! And all those shirts at khol's and stuff, they sell the exact same thing at hollister and abercrombie and stuff. So it's not all bad. And also, no one can tell if your jeans were 20 dollar or 35 dollars. Trust me.


  3. Get a job and buy them with your own money

  4. why don't you talk to your Dad about it. Maybe he can get her to do something different. or take her shopping with you and show her what you would like and how much it cost. or offer to work it off with chores.

  5. ARE YOU SERIOUS! You mama gives you 100 for the first year goodness!! I just bought 4 outfits at kohls for about 100sum

    and trust me where do you shop cuz i never find $10 jeans anyway!! tell her your growing and you need more clothes! The cost of clothes are going up and you need more money!! The bigger you get the more expensive clothes are going to be!I cant get jeans under 30 unless they are on sale!Pluss your outfit tells who you are ! Tell her you want to show your own style! And ask your dad to take you shopping im sure he'll be much nicer!

  6. ask her if she likes you to wear the same shirts and pants over and over and over and make it look like to other people that you have no clothes...

    my mom's almost the same way. she finds people to give me clothes.

    also, if you go to aero every few weeks, and time it right, you can get super cheap clothes.

    at one point i got a shirt for like, 2 dollars.

    and let her know that 100 isn't gonna be enough now for a decent wardrobe...  she should know that the price of everything has shot up soooo mcuh.

  7. try explaining to your mom that more expensive clothes typically last longer,and  tell your mother that

    times are very changed and that nowadays clothes matter A LOT to all girls, especially at a crucial time like high school. tell her that people do judge you on what you wear. mabey let your mother talk to other high school parents, who can bring her down to earth about a real budget for school clothes. nice clothes boost your self-confidence and make you feel great about getting dressed!

    if this still doesnt work, you may want to try babysitting or something like that to make money and prove to your mother how much this means to you.

  8. You know what, rather than telling you how to get extra cash from your mum, I will give you a tip. Go on ebay, and do some ebay shopping. Seriously. I get all my clothes from there, it is soooo much cheaper and there is a huge range, I buy secondhand stuff and get my $100 pairs of jeans for $10-20. My fiance earns a lot of money but I just hate spending extra for no reason : )

  9. heres an idea i did this before when i wanted new clothes i went through my old clothes and started layering them and wearing them different it seemed like i had a whoole bunch of new clothes try it!

  10. Tell her that the close you fit in now are more expensive then what you used to buy. Also, that you need to buy more expensive close so they will last longer. You can even make a compromise(you will use your backpack from last year so you can have $30 more for close. that sorrta thing). Also, do a sisterhood of the traveling pants type of thing with one of your best friends(that is the same size as you). You each will split the cost(you will get a $40 pair of jeans for $20). Just make sure the friend is reliable and will continue to do the swich off every week or so. Good Luck with your mom.

  11. well, tell her you don't appreciate the fact that she is making you wear cheap clothes. and explain to her what you said here. you dont need expensive clothes, but average normal priced clothes. (think american eagle or dillards)  

  12. You sound like a brat. I would die for $200 in clothes a year.

    It's called babysitting.

  13. But your own dang clothes then.  walmart has levi pants for 15 bucks that will last you forever.

  14. A good way to get the most out of the money they give you is to buy some basics (1 pair of good jeans, a few shirts) and then add accessories.

    Accessories are cheap, and they make it seem like you have way more than you have.

    Plus, if you want to get more money to spend, negotiate by using funds from other aspects of back to school shopping (buy the generic brands and use the money you saved for the clothes fund.

    If you are still spending the same amount of money altogether, your rents will probably not care how you spend it, so maybe try that.

    hope that helps, :)

  15. could you possibly talk to your dad about your frustrations and perhaps...just maybe... he can discuss it with your mom.  explain to him you're growing up and growing out of your clothes.  nothing fits anymore. be sure to express the fact you don't want to look like a homeless person  with the one pair of jeans you have that are torn up and $100 just doesn't buy much (which i can attest to!  i just spent $300 on 2 kids. bought everything on sale or clearance. they got 3 outfits a piece plus one pair of shoes for each).  

  16. dude, go to T.J. Maxx, sounds kinda lame, but seriously, they got name brand stuff for crazy cheap prices. that's where I get my stuff, and it's all, hurly, etnies, element, fox, and all that.

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