
How do I convince my mom to let me learn Japanese?

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Well this year(grade 8) I would like to learn Japanese. But every time we go to Books-a-Million I will pick up some books on learning Japanese and she will flat out say NO. She thinks that if your in America you MUST speak English and not any other language. This started back when my Great Grandma came over from Croatia(small European country). She was told that when she came over she must drop some of her customs, culture, and traditions to fit into the melting pot.

I WILL really apply myself just like I do in school. I have learned some basic words through English subtitles of the Super Sentai Series. I am VERY SERIOUS about learning Japanese. Just like I am with my School work.

If all else fails, I will just have to learn French, the only language she'll agree to, because that' what she took in High school.

So ,yes, I have a backup plan. I make straight high A's & (sometimes) B's and am always learning by constantly over reading.




  1. Well , wait a month or two. And simply explain to your mother you understand the custom's of america and you want to learn other costumes. It would boost your intelligence and go amazing on your job / college application. Hope it works:]

  2. tell your mom that

    learning a diff language

    gets you to alot of places in life

    you could get a better job by just

    knowing a foreign language

    if not then just take japaneese

    without her permission

    who cares if she says no?

    it will help you alot in life with jobs and money

  3. tell your mom that you think it is worth-while to learn japanese and that it will only help you in life. i know english, hebrew, a little spanish and a little bit of sign-language. trust me it helps to know more than english

  4. tell your mother American is made up of different of cultures and customs, and English is not a true language its a mix of Spanish, British, Latin, roman, Japanese every language out their.

    learning another language helps you better when getting a job and help lower risk of  that disease where you forget people and current things (all- time- ers)

    heres site that can help you learn Japanese. all you have to do is register its free.

    or get a little job of baby sitting/ mowing lawns, walking dogs, cleaning things, etc. and by the books and CD yourself. some high schools teach Japanese and i belie all colleges has some of it would be minor

  5. just say "mom why cant i learn japanease? what do you have against japan? i just wanna learn a language. that doesnt mean that im not american or anything like that" just try and make her understand that you really wanna take it and its an american right to learn another language

  6. hey go here-

  7. Wow your mom sounds very judgemental.. I hope she doesn't travel much, and if she does I hope no one who makes the effort to help her by answering in english!

    I am a francophone, and I learnt English pretty young. I also learnt a little spanish and a little german, but I'm no good :( lol

    You can tell your mom that people who speak other languages have better chances at finding a job, less chances at being affected by Alzheimer (when affected by the disease, you will lose the second language before forgetting your close ones names)

    I don't see why you should not learn japanese. It's a very hard language to learn, tho, so be prepared ;) I'd be proud of your efforts if you were my daughter.

  8. your mom sounds like a VERY ignorant all-american.


    'fraid theres nothing you can do, you cant change someone.

  9. Japanese is a great language to learn. French is also. I consider japanese a little hard but once you learn a couple of sentences it is cool to speak and show off. I like the accent. it is very funny. Why dont you ask your mom can you please try it for one year and then if you do not like it you can always switch to french. Maybe you can learn a little bit of both languages and make your mom really proud.

  10. There may be good materials at your local library.  The cost would be zero, right?  That's low enough to fit any budget.

    It sounds like you already know English.

    Here's an alternate plan.  Tell them you're going to drop Japanese and pick up amateur astronomy.  You want them to take you to a local club meeting, which doesn't get out until 10 pm.

  11. tell her your learning japenese and hand a tissue to her at the same time saying , boo hoo

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