
How do I convince my mom to let me use tampons?

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Ok, so like I first started gettin my period when i was like 11 years old, and since then I've used pads just like my mom does. But I've heard a lot about tampons and how they're wayyyy better than pads, how they're less messier, and how they're more comfortable. But see, my mom's not as optimistic as I am and thinks they're not good at all.

How do I convince her to let me try them out?




  1. Guest10856

     I want to use tampons as well, I want to use them because people say they are more comfortable and easier. Also, in my opinion, pads are so UNCOMFORTABLE!! I used pantiliners for discharge and they were uncomfortable in places like P.E. and sometimes they slip out of place and your sitting in class DYING to fix it, but you can't! 

    You should also remember that anyone at any age can buy tampons, maybe ask a friend for a ride to your local drug store. If you don't have money, you can do a chore or try to save up. Simply buy the tampons and ask the cashier to double bag them so you cant see them as clearly and when you get home walk straight to your room and set them somewhere where nobody can find them. If you ask your parent/guardian, and they say no, DO NOT follow the instructions above. It's not good to lie about it because if they find it, they will not allow you to use them, but if you never ask and they find them, you can simply say you didn't know that your parent/guardian wouldn't want you to use them.

    If you want to ask, read up on risks of TSS and how to use tampons and blow your parent/guardian away with your knowledge. If they start to say no, say that it's your cycle and you feel that you should be able to control at least that or you could say your general opinion about it versus pads. 

    i hope I helped the original person and any commentors!!

  2.  Uh, I know the feeling.

  3. i am 15. bout to b 16 n 2 mom wont let me use tampons so annoying becus she won evn tel me i just keep asknq her until she seys yes...but i get me aunt or a frined to buy thm for meand hide thm n a bag n my lockr at school and just use pad when i get hme


  5. I totally see where all of you are coming from and i stole my mom's tampons for a while and she never noticed. Also if you a older sibling who's had there period you may want to borrow theres.Another option is to see the school nurse she will be glad to.




  6. i know how u feel same here my mom says i am to young but they r so much better and less messy i actually just got mine at age of 14 so i am a late bloomer but u know it doesnt matter. anyways i actually just steel my moms ;) the onyl problem is that stealing hers doesnt sustain me withoput her noticing i am taking them the problem is that i actually need to buy my own but i dont have money to do that i have the same predicament. my highschool sells this stuff i think most do so you could if u wanted buy them there but....

  7. yes you should go head wear tampons you are puting things an any thing you want up there to masturbationing with already go for it

  8. Maybe you should just "Sneak" it in there. :) Maybe keep some in a place where you're mom would never think of looking. Be sure it's not noticable, though. But be careful, she might ask.. "I haven't seen any wrapped up pads in the trashcan. Where have they been going?". Or something like that. I've read some other suggestions on here, and I think I like the one about getting blood everywhere. :) Just don't get it in your room. :D Another thing that you might wanna be aware of, maybe you should keep a hidden trashcan, and put your used tampon wraps in there, so your mom won't see them in the bathroom trashcan. Maybe when you turn 18 and then get your own place, THEN you can tell her about when you used tampons.. She can't ground you then or put you on punishment, can she? [: Maybe that helps. I can't relate to your situation because my sisters encouraged me to use them, and my mom didnt mind. But there are some Pro's and Con's. One of them is be aware of TSS. It's a rare but very serious disease that you can get from either wearing a tampon for too long, (Longer than 8 hours) or wearing a more absorbant tampon than you actually need.  Don't sleep in them! Wear pad's for when you sleep. I'm serious. There was a lady (Now I'm not trying to scare you, just warn you.) who died of TSS. (Toxic Shock Syndrome). I'm thriteen and I just started using tampons last month, and I find them WAY more comfortable than pads. I'm serious, almost every pair of my underwear are stained from STUPID pads. So, I hope this helped, hun. :)

  9. Me Too ! Im 13 She wears them To So I Dont See The Problem ! Ive Researched And All About Tampons Safe & Risks All Stuff So I Dont know !

  10. Lol, I'm 15 and I still can't use them. She said that my sister and her doesn't even use it and that it's bad for you. And she said her words are "absolute" so I have to listen to her. But I still buy it and hide it.

  11. my mom was like that, except she thought i was too young and that she was afraid of me losing my virginity. i told her that i wanted her to see my perspective, that tampons doesnt mean loss of virginity, and that i understood what she thought. she believes in the scientific view of this...where tampons actually take your virginity. i told her that it was my choice and that i wouldn't regret it.
    she got mad when i used it, but she gave up...

    hope this helps

  12. my mom wont let me use tampons because she thinks there not safe to be in your v****a and that it can release chemicals!!!!!!!!! shes soooooo stuborn and i dont know how to ask her cause shes always saying never to use them. i hate pads cause there really annoying and im also going 2 camp were we swim a lot and i need 2 wear them or i could leak. please help she really hates them but i really think i might need them.

  13. During the past month I tried 2 come up with this diversion 2 convince my mom 2 let me wear tampons I got my period 2day and had 2 lie 2 her by saying they itch and even then she didn't budge I'm just gonna have 2 buy my own and not tell her b/c I absolutely h8 pads!

  14. Im 11 and I started my period a couple months ago, I've tried pads, but my period is so heavy that it leaks out, my mom said that she won't let me use tampons until im atleast 16-17, its also un-comfortable and because I wear tight jeans it shows, even when I wear normal jeans it makes this terrible noise, and my blood runs down t my a**s to its just aaagh. I really want to use tampons, and ive stuck things up there before (for masturbation)but my mum doesn't know. I think it would be better to get her support, because even if she doesn't allow me to wear tampons I will, I was just wondering if you guys think I should wear tampons? or should I wait a couple of more years?

  15. i had my period at 9 and my mom let me use tampons after a couple weeks with pads... if i were u i would just get blood all over the place and complain that the pads are useless, thats what i would do
    hope it helped!!!!

  16. i know what you're going thru
    i am 13 and my mom wont let me use them :(
    she says they're for older women

  17. i kno how u feel, i got mine at 10, im almost 13 now but my mom wont let me. she says im 2 young, i sometimes borrow them from my friend (and omg there SO much better!!) but i cant convince her 2 buy them 4 me, so trust me ur not alone, juct hang in there. shell come around. and if not do what i do, use a friends, or try 2 buy them yourself.  hope i helped!

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