
How do I convince my mother to allow me to get a Bearded Dragon?

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....Actually, my "obsession" with Bearded Dragons is new. I've wanted a Ball Python((and still do)) for a long time. But I know that one will never happen as my mother hates snakes with a major passion.

But she hasn't really said anything about lizards. I mentioned getting a Bearded Dragon and she just said, "You're not getting one." Then she saw me looking information up about them online and she shook her head, smiled, and said, "No."

I really want a Bearded Dragon. I've talked with BD owners and they've told me that they are really great pets for beginners. ((I've never owned a reptile.))

What should I do? Any ideas?

For those who are going to say:

"Just get one and ignore her."

"Move out if she won't let you."

Or anything like these two answers...

1. I will not disobey my mother. We've got a great trust bank between us and I'm not going to ruin that.

2. I'm a minor so I can't move out yet.

Thanks in advance!




  1. I don't think she's gonna let you get it.... good luck trying though

  2. just tell her all the good things about having that reptile and be nice about it have patiance and u will soon get one!also tell her that ur friend has one and that he told you that it is very easy to take care of it oo! ! im not saying lying is good but some times u have too!good luk i hope i helped a little

  3. Do your research about beardies, show your mom how straaight forward it is to take care of them. Also you can go on youtube and find some great videos on how to care for beardies, there is one person who I found very very helpful on youtube called "tubbysnake3", If you go to his page, and watch his videos and show ur mom some of them, I think you could persuade your mom to let you get one ( it worked for me :D)

    best of luck


  4. i would do research on them because they require a lot of care like cutting fresh veggies everyday and crickets dipped in calicum some meal worms.their diet alone is a workout not to mention cleaning their tank.

  5. im a minor too. i just recently convinced my mom to let me get one. and i didnt disobey her in any way.

    i did research for a couple months ( know its long but its worth the wait)

    i found out pretty much EVERYTHING about bearded dragons.

    find bearded dragon caresheets online.

    once you have all the info you need, sit down and talk with your mom. DONT JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    you have to be as serious as possible. tell her all the good things about beardies, and when she asks question, answer them honestly. if you dont know the answer skip the question and look it up later.



  6. Tell her you want one for Christmas and you will take responsiblity for it and then she couldnt say no for you trying to get something for your birthday and christmas! Im want one for Christmas but my mom said no so im going to put it on my Christmas list and she cant say no to that i hope and so i hope i helped you

  7. My dad said no to a corn snake and i got one anyway and as soon as he saw it he was all "Awww" so it's all good.

  8. Hello,

             Mabey it's because your mother has a fear of animals as when she was young she never had them round her. Don't tell her that they require things such as live food, and that the setup can be very expensive. Make her feel as if your very responsible, don't pester her the minuet she wakes up. Do your thing e.g keep your room clean and look after excisting pets then ask her a few months later. Don't bother falling out with her or running away, that is very stupid and it will just convince her more that your immature.

    In your own time research bearded dragons, I have one and believe me they are VERY hard to look after, if you have a fear or crickets don't bother getting one. They do make great pets though and i'm sure if you follow my methods and act like a responsible and very mature adult she will eventually give in !

    I hope I helped you and the best of luck.

    Isabella Oseni

  9. Well for starters, how about trying the following:

    #1 Cleaning your room and making sure that it STAYS clean and tidy.

    #2 Making sure that your homework is done and handed in on time.

    #3 Sweep the floors in the living room and kitchen without your parents asking you to.

    #4 Wash and/or dry the dishes.

    #5 Do not fight and argue with your sisters & brothers.

    #6 Eat what you are given and don't whine or make "yuck" faces when given it.

    #7 Don't talk rudly to adults

    #8 Always share with other kids.

    #9 Go to bed when you are told to.

    #10 Research the pet and breed you want to be 100% certain that it is the right one for you.

    # 11 Ask them about getting this new pet in a nice way and don't beg and whine about it.

    I'm 100% sure that if you give those a try, they will see that you are serious about wanting to add a this pet to your life and family. :)

  10. Does your mother have any sort of reason as to why she will not allow you to get a bearded dragon? Is she afraid of lizards? Or reptiles in general? Can she/you afford to purchase/adopt the animal, and to buy all of the accessories that it will need? Are you responsible and mature enough to take care of this animal on your own (mostly)?

    Have you sat her down and talked with her, maturely, about getting a bearded dragon? What did she say? How did she react? I really hate it when parents just say "because I said so", they always get away with that and there's nothing you can do, which is irritating! If she's set on the "no", then all you can do is ask for the reason. "Why can't I get a bearded dragon?"

    Do not force the subject onto your mom. Try to let it just flow easily, have a nice talk with your mom during dinner or when you're in the care together, and slowly flow onto that topic. If you badger her, she'll only be more reluctant.

    Try to talk her into going to a pet store that sells reptiles so you can slowly introduce her to the different species that are available. If your mother could agree on getting a smaller reptile, would you consider agreeing to that? Sometimes you have to compromise to get what you want but only if everyone else is just as happy or agreeable.

    Other than that - not much you can really do. It's your mother's house, and while you're living there you must abide by her rules. If she says "no bearded dragon, no reptile, no python," then that means "no", so accept that.

    If you're old enough, why not start working at a local pet shop so you can interact with reptiles on a daily basis? It may not be as enjoyable as having your very own bearded dragon, but it'd certainly be a step up from having nothing at all. Just an idea.

    Hope things work out for you. Good luck.

  11. tell your mum the good things abut keeping on and just keep asking

    good luck


  12. this is what i did to make sure i got a leopard gecko...what i did was that i went online and got a full 13 pg packet on them and put it on her bed for her to read..(it did work for me=)]..if that does it work tell her that u will be the only one to take care of it and how she will like the lizard more then a snake.

  13. Well you should proove that you are responsible. Like take care of a small reptile that she lets you have then when she sees that you can care for a reptile then she might let you have one!

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