
How do I convince my overprotective parents to let me have a boyfriend ?

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without actually asking them... I'm 13 & yes I am aware of what some of you might say (I'm to young), But I'm really tired of lying to my parents all the time & It gets harder for me because I don't think they even want me to befriend any boys what so ever. Their so overprotective, they use to be cool & all with the idea of me hanging with friends, chilling at the mall & stuff but ever since they caught me talking to a boy they have been so overprotective. & I the reason why I wanna be allowed to have a boyfriend or at least be allowed to befriend one or hang out with one (someone that I know, no random boy) is because I don't wanna lose my parents trust. Please tell me how I can convince my parents into letting me have a boyfriend or at least be allowed to talk to them on the phone/ hang out/ be friends & stuff without actually asking them 'cause I know their not gunna listen if the word boyfriend comes out of my mouth.




  1. They are definatly over protective for a reason.  I'm actually afraid to have a boyfriend, because I have a fear of being molested or raped.

    You should start out as friends with the boy, and let your parents aprove of him.

    DO NOT have one secretly, it's a sin not to obey/honour your parents.

  2. I'm 14 and I got my first boyfriend when I was 13. At first I didnt tell my parents and it wasn't really anything serious. Ok, so now I'm dating my best friend and I just kinda tld my parents in the middle of a conversation. Like, we were at dinner and my mom knew i liked this guy and asked about his birthday and if I got him anything, and I was like, well I said yes to be his gf... You just gotta tell them when the times right like when they're in a good mood. Also, tell them it's nothing serious like s*x or kissing, just hanging out and getting to know guys. Tell them they can trust you and that you'd like to be able to spend time with guys without them worrying. sometimes it seems like they'll never let go but if you tell them their little girl is growing up and needs to be a bit free to hang with the opposite s*x they should understand. GOOD LUCK

  3. HAHA! THAT'S HILARIOUS!!!! no but seriously... theres no help for u... at all...

  4. I think it's great you don't want to lose their trust. I'd sit down with them after dinner one night and simply explain you have something to say and you'd like to get it out. You could remind them that you've been really responsible, and you'd like to respond with them on the note of boys. And if they intrupt you you could say you really like to finish. Remind them that you don't want to lose their trust so you haven't snuck around with a boy, and that you'd like to get their permission. Reason with them that if you get a boyfriend then they could meet him first. you could compromise on certain terms.

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