
How do I convince my parents to let me be homeschooled?

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I absolutely hate school, I can't even stand the thought of going there every day. Also, I read you can cover all the material you need to in high school in half the time. Would this mean you can go to college earlier? I really need some help. I'll probably end up dropping out if I can't be homeschooled.




  1. First of all, don't quit highschool because you can't be homeschooled. It's not worth it. Talk to your parents about this. If they don't want you to be homeschooled after that then there word is pretty much law. But you can go to college earlier if you homeschool. You can do year round schooling if you'd like when you're homschooled, you can also skip a grade if you can handle the jump. You most certainly can finish school early when homeschooled. Also homeschooling is flexible enough to where you can take dual credit college courses in highschool to if you want, and if you don't graduate early you'll be fortunate enough to already have some college credits out of the way if you go to college after highschool. Hope your parents allow you to be homeschooled!

  2. You can tell them that as a homeschooler you will actually be getting a better education than you will in public school.  Also you will not be getting into any of the troubles your peers will be faced with and the cherry on the ice cream is that universities are actually recruiting homeschoolers now as they as superior students.  My daughter is 7 and I home school her and plan to in high school as well due to the rise in violence amongst girls.  Good luck in convincing your parents.

  3. if you're taught right you can finish high school earlier. I'm graduating a year early. But your parents may not have the time to teach  you if they have to go to work.

  4. There are a couple main reasons why parents don't want to home school.  First, of course, is the perception that it requires a lot of time and effort on the parents' part.   If your parents are busy and stressed, they are not going to want to take anything else on.  In order to counter this concern you need to do your research and lay out a plan that shows them they will have to be involved minimally.  If you are a high school student you can, conceivably, educate yourself.

    Second, parents sometimes think that a child cannot receive a decent education apart from the school system.  Many parents do not understand the effectiveness of home school and fear that allowing students to study at home will harm their kids.   They worry that their child will become a social misfit.  There is plenty of research to counter that concern as well.  I home schooled all four of my children at one time or another, and they were all socially involved in sports, music and drama.

    Several have mentioned online home schooling.  This is a great option and most states will provide this service through the public school system.  Where you live, however, will make a difference.  You will have more success taking online courses (for free through a school district) if you are in a larger metropolitan area.  Otherwise, there are OODLES of organizations that provide online home school for a cost - and that cost can be considerable.  Along with the cost, however, comes grades, tests and transcripts. So it can be worth it.

    Also, you should check into home school co-ops in the area.    Some areas have a parent cooperative which students attend and in which parents teach.  

    My question is, "Why do you hate school so much?"  I think there are a lot of reasons to hate high school, but you need to make sure you are wanting a different education for the right reasons.  If you home school, you HAVE to be motivated and disciplined for the long haul.

    I suggest you do your research.  Come up with several options to present to your parents.  They will resist the unknown.  Give them a clear plan of action that you can actually stick with.  There are plenty of resources on the internet.  There are MANY high school internet programs - many - but like I said, most cost money unless it is through a local school district.

  5. Talk to your guidance counselor too... In Arizona, there is a state run online high school. My daughter uses it and has done wonderful!

  6. Then tell your parents THAT! Tell them you're going to drop out!

  7. Maybe say like my school is not teaching me anything or the students are really mean something like that it is just a suggestion I am not homeschooled though I have never tried to convince my parents so just a suggestion

  8. My son kept asking me since kindergarten...finally in 6th grade I took him out of school.  I wish I had listened sooner.  He shot ahead in his studies and is much happier and does not have all the stress and "anger" issues that he used to have.  Now, he is totally relaxed and does very advanced (college level at 14) work with a cheerful attitude.  He is pretty much never in a bad mood anymore.

      I think the school environment was bad, with immature, cruel, bratty children and conformist teachers who hated kids that they could not force into their little mold.

    You can probably go to an online school if your parents don't feel comfortable teaching you.  I teach some things, my son teaches himself other things, and we do math at the community college because I'm not so great at that.

    Why not email the link to the responses that you get here to your parents?

  9. If your parents say no, then they would prob. never change there minds. If your not a minor (18 or older) you can drop out without parents consent.

  10. Well, you could try online homeschooling, but it is still work.  There is no guarantee that you would finish in half the time.  It just depends on how committed you are to your studies.  

    Here's some info on computer based programs and textbook programs you could complete on your own:

    Here's some info you can share with your parents:

    Good luck!

  11. Umm. Maybe search for Pros and Cons of homeschooling in yahooanswers and sit down with them. Explain to them that you are determined that you can do this and that you at least think you should try it. And show them the reasons why you want to home school.

    *Give them time, too. Parents don't like it when children keep going on and on on a subject.

    Good luck!

  12. forget it kid you dont have a chance,we all hated school but we got through it you can too

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