
How do I convince my parents to let me get a turtle?

by  |  earlier

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Well let me begin. I currently have tadpoles, Axolotls, a 2yr old short necked turtle and fish. I adopted the turtle a couple of days ago from my friend. I was shopping for my birthday the today with mum and saw this turtle pack. It included a heater, filter, turtle, food and more. It only costs $245 australian dollars. I asked mum and she said 'Your father would have a fit'. How do I convince them to let me get it? I really want it, and please only answer if you can help me. If your going to say something like "Don't you think you have enough?" then I don't want to hear it and its wasting both of our time.






  1. just take good care of the ones you have to prove you are responsible for them, and you can handle the others. you could also try  getting the money to pay for it yourself (if thats not already the case). youll find parents are much more willing when their pockets arent the ones being cleaned.

  2. Is it your father or mother that makes the decision?

    Talk with that parent (only) when they are in a good mood and  are not busy with something else and ask politely. If they say no then ask for their reason. Make sure that you ask them in a way that is clear that you are not arguing or disagreeing. You simply want to know their reason so that you can understand it. Do not (Don't) yell, "WHY NOT!!!  I REALLY WANT IT!!! PLEASE!!!!".

    Then say, "Mom/dad this is really important to me. I know I ask for things that turn out to be not so important but this really is. What can I do to change your mind?"

    Remember not to appear to be arguing. You should be calm and smiling but serious. You are not trying to convince them of anything, you are trying to cooperate. What specific things do they want from you? Are you willing to meet those requests? If so, promise that you will and thank them. Now do what ever it takes to prove that you are serious and that you are mature enough to meet their requirements.

  3. Hey there. I was in a similar but more Canadian situation :P. I really wanted a pet but my mom and I are alergic to most pets. But one day my friend bought a hamster and after a week or two had boughten another one, although her new one was professionally trained. SO I took her old hamster before I asked my parents if I could. I basically brought it home and my parents were shocked. Eventually, my parents became obsessed with the hamster and basically stole it from me lmao. So I think the best thing for you to do would be to just buy it because they won't be able to say no once that cute little turtle is looking up at them waiting for a decision.

    Good luck!

  4. see being a pet lover is a good thing even i have a turtle,fishes & a parrot ,,,, but the most imp. thing is to ake care of them,to convinence ur parents u should make them realise that u are mature enough to take care of them & have time to spare with them without wasting your time for ur studies...

    one another good idea is work hard & show ur best grades to your parents & make them happpy & ask for it when they are in a good mood

  5. i have 2 turtles  i paid 15 buck

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