
How do I convince my parents to let me get me a sugar glider?

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How do I convince my parents to let me get a sugar glider?I have done everything!I am saving up money now and I need like 177 dollars still! I am doing research and even know where I am getting my glider from.please help!




  1. my ex had these, not good pets at all.

    look cute, very agressive.

    too socialble, need at least 2.

    THEY STINK, and man, so i mean STINK.

    please get a more normal pet, its cruel to keep these guys as pets. really is.

    he gave his up to the rescue, who reckon  a lot of people who get thesse give them up.dont waste your money, or animals livs.

  2. This website will tell you everything you need to know about sugargliders. You can ask questions, and read other people's questions and stories. You can also find selling ads for sugar gliders.

  3. whats that

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