
How do I convince my parents to take me to Cape Town, South Africa?

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I love Africa and plan to go to college and run an orpahage when I get older. My parents tell me it's dangerous and disgusting, people there are cruel, they rather anywhere but there sort of thing and it really hurt me, because there is no place I rather go than Cape Town. My neighbor just got back and LOVED IT. I've been want to go since I was around 10 or 11. I'm 14 now, how do I talk my parents into a trip next year? We're going to Berlin this year.




  1. I agree with Cakes! She's great at this sort of thing! hehe

    Anyway, you remind me of a little me! lol I am usually the one whom rebels against my father all the time, one of the things was because I wanted to go to South Africa (to live there) and run an animal sanctuary! (I still do) I love animals and growing up in Africa was just the start of my dream. Unfortunately that came to an end when we had to move to safer ground!

    For a holiday, Cape Town is a great place! Your parents are right though it's not very safe at all.

    Why don't you do some research of your own and look for "safer" places to visit in Cape Town and if you find some good stats then show your parents and show them how interested you are in this. If that doesn't work wait until you are old enough too decided for yourself. It’s unfair but they only want what’s best for you and to protect you!

    I know what it's like wanting something so bad and not being able to have it because someone "says" you can’t; it’s the story of my life!

    But if you want something with immense desire you shall receive if. Just work hard! My father would not take me back to Africa (South Africa and Zimbabwe, where I grew up) to visit my family but now that I am older, got my own money, my own chances to make, I have booked my flight for Dec and I'm off to the Freestate in SA.

    Good luck!

    P.S. If you need anyone to talk to I'm here just send me an e-mail. I'm still living at home and have a long way to go to get my dream but believing in yourself is half way there! Just have a little faith and believe!

  2. If you want to run an orphanage when you get older you will need a lot of experience and education before then.  Wherever your parents take you while you are in their care is going to broaden your views.  At 14 you could start thinking about doing some volunteer work in a hospital or even in a soup kitchen for homeless people.  These things will be more likely to prepare you for a future doing the kind of work you are interested in than your parents taking you on a trip to Capetown.  When you are old enough to make your own decisions you can go wherever you want to take yourself.

  3. Listen to your parents. They know what is best for you . When you are 18 and legal then you can go where ever you want.  But for now I would recommend that you go to Berlin with them. Don't go against your parents. When you are older and wiser you will see that they have your best interest at heart.

    **** David Where is America rated number 1 in crime. That is hogwash. SA is the most unsafe country in the world.  Even Iraq is safer then SA. I have no idea where you get your stats from but they are wrong.

  4. I really admire you for your determination.  You seem to have everything planned.  That is a good start in your life. A lot of people land up in old age and still do not know what they want to do!!  Way to go!!

    Although I have no suggestion how you can convince your parents about getting you to Cape Town, I agree with the other 2 answers. Experience is the richest thing that you can have.  It does not matter in what, but DO things.  

    If you take a look at this question I posted, and the good Best Answer, you will see some good links.  Read up on volunteer work and the requirements and qualifications one needs to to such work.  You are still too young to do this sort of thing, but knowledge is power.

    It costs quite a bit of money to do volunteer work, but you have quite a few years to prepare for that.  I suggest you start a fund for yourself and save whatever you can raise in a deposit account.  

    Your parents could come up with some good ideas to support and help you in your aim to collect money to sponsor you in doing some volunteering work, there are many projects in Cape Town.

    In the meantime, try out some projects in your neighbourhood.  There is bound to be some association that welcomes junior members to help them.  That will help you gain experience for your future.

    So, don´t just sit about moping because you cannot get to Cape Town yet.  It is way more expensive going to Cape Town than it is going to Berlin, although I must admit that Cape Town is way more beautiful.

    Get out, and start doing things, joins associations, charities. Gain experience and knowledge and you will have a head start on your dream of running an orphanage.

  5. Give your parents facts and hard evidence, Cape Town is on the list of the top 10 most visited cities in the world, America is rated no# 1 for violent crime where South Africa is far below that!   South Africa has a unique and educational history and is proud about its routes. The City Centre of Cape Town has security cameras right round the city and the streets are continuously patrolled by mounted and footed police officers. Your travel agent should be able to give safety tips that you need to follow, if you do this then you will have a very safe and enjoyable trip.

    Places like the V&A Waterfront (which is a working commercial harbour within a massive entertainment area), Table Mountain (around which the city is built and where the summit can be reached by hiking or Cable Car), Kirstenbosch Gardens (with different vegetation types varying from lush to arid and fantastic picnic and entertainment areas)

    2 Major international standard Universities (UWC & UCT), wild life and conservation areas and just too much to really mention!

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