
How do I convince my parents tooooooo?

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get me a beagle for Christmas. I am a volunteer at the local shelter and theyre is this beagle named Mandy I want her sooooo bad but my parents say we have to many dags already. I know i can take care of her i want her really bad answers please




  1. Sorry it seems like u already have the maximum dogs capacity for your family. Too many dogs is toooooo many responsibilities. I suggest u get over your puppy love get something else that you've also been wanting for yourself.

  2. I would see if your work would allow you to take it with you to the shelter and then ask your parents if you could have a good responsibility and let  them know you can take it with you to work.

  3. Prove you can handle her by taking care of ur dogs, and doing well in school and showing ur responsible

  4. Well tell them you can be responsible and you will take care of her/him

    if that dousnt work than just go up to ur parents and say IM GETTING TTHAT FU*KING DOG IF YOU LIKE IT OR NOT *****!!   LOL

  5. show your parents how responsible you are. like if your parents ask you do to something at this time or do something that has to be done, then do it correctly. or if they say they want you home at this time, be home at that time. and then say "mom, dad (or w/e) i take care of this beagle, Mandy, and i love her. i know i can take care of her properly and im very responsible. can i please have her. i know we have a lot of dogs but pleaaaassssssssssseeeeee? i love you (smile)." then your parents will prob say something like "we have too many dogs!" "then you say "yes, but i'll feed her, walk her, groom her..." then you see want happens. good luck!  

  6. how many dogs do you already have? if its more than 3 or 4 you shouldnt get it if its only like 1 or 2 convince them you can be responsible! hope it works i wanna dog soooooooo bad to i have begged 4 ten years and still havent gotton one so i wish you the best of luck!

  7. If you already have too many dogs at your home, the answer would be no. As a volunteer at the animal shelter, you will always find dogs that you connect with and would like to adopt. How about finding another home for Mandy? A friend that would love a dog? Then you can go visit her. You need to be kind of like a nurse in a hospital, they can't get emotionally attached to patients either. So as a volunteer at an animal hospital, you need to keep in mind that you are helping the animals if only for a short time. What a nice person you are!

  8. show them a video or pic of her at her cutest...hang pics of her everywhere..act obsesed it worked for me..cuz my parents knew i had my hopes up and they didnt want to let me down

  9. first of all, it should be "i want her soooo badly." ;)

    show your parents that you can be responsible.  

  10. This what I'd do. Set up a presentation. Show what your willing to do for the dog you want AND the dogs you have. Don't do it in a whiny thing over breakfast, perhaps ask your parents to sit down and offer to do more chores, walk the dogs everyday, feed them etc. until Christmas and if you don't follow up on anything you promised to do they can take the dog back. And you wont fuss.

    We can be civil, right?

  11. kill one of the other dogs


  12. There is a limit on how many pets you can have. Take care of the pets you have and help find that dog a good home.

  13. How many dogs do you already have?  How old are you?  How old are the other dogs?   How old is the dog you want to bring home?

    Consider this:  If you are 15 year old & the dog is 5.  In 3 years, you will probably be going off to college & your parents now have an 8 year old dog to take care of.  You will most likely be in college 4-6 years. If you happen to graduate in four years, you are 22 & the dog is 12 (if she is still alive).  There is a high chance that you will not move back home when you graduate. So, that mean you will have to find somewhere to live that will take a dog.  A 12-year old dog may need a lot of care, could be large vet bills.

    In our area if you have more than three dogs, you have to have a kennel license.  

    Bravo for you volunteering at the shelter.  I love dogs.  But it would be so hard for me to go into a shelter without bringing them home. You are a special person to take the time to visit & play with the animals.  Keep up the good work.

    Every dog we have had has been from a shelter.  And they have been great pets. Pets are a huge responsibility.  Not just today, next week or next year--most dogs live 10 to 15 years.

    If reading through everything I wrote & you haven't seen your parents side.  My best advice is to ask the parent with the softest heart, for animals, to come down to the shelter and meet Mandy.

  14. Honestly, show that you are very responsible for taking care of this beagle. Maybe you'll do extra chores, and help out more often. Tell your parents that you will do the chores of the dog, like feed it, etc.

    Good luck!

  15. give them a list of reasons and shoe them you are responsible..

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