
How do I convince my sisters to let me get an ipod touch?

by  |  earlier

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I’m paying for it with MY money but they are like why do you need it, there’s music everywhere, we should get one for everyone....blah blah blah.

They want one for everyone so we don’t have to make CDs to listen to in the car. But I know they won’t let me use it whenever I want and it’s not going to be totally mine. If it gets scratched they will b**** at me.

My parents will let me get one unless my sisters convince them not to.

So any suggestions. Thanks

HA it’s GREAT being the youngest......




  1. I would get it secretly and make sure to hid it and not use it around them.

  2. Why do you need to convince them?

    It's your money and it's your iPod buy what you want and forget what everyone else says or thinks.

  3. uh since its your  money your sisters have nothing to say in that matter and since its your money  they dont have to use it it sounds like they are sorta jealous tha you can get one ...maybe.

  4. say NO it's YOUR money and they are NOT YOUR PARENTS your real parents shouldn't let your sisters have a say in what you do with oyur money!!! This question made me angry!! If u want wait a while to buy until they forget or something or buy i and say "it's mine!!" and keep it with you at all times so they can't steal it or something like that.

    Hope u can get your iPod!

  5. slap yo sistahss

  6. Why should your sisters have a say in it?

    It's YOUR money. And they're not you're parents..

    Just ask your parents if they'll take you out to buy one.

    If you do get one, just hide it somewhere when you're not using it so that your sisters don't find it and take/use it.

  7. Do what you want with YOUR money.  If your sisters want one too, then they can find a way to earn and save their money like you did.

    Your sisters should have no say on how you spend your own money.  That is up to you.. and its up to your parents to help you make wise financial decisions.  Your probably gave up other things you wanted to save your money for this item!

    Point this out to your parents.  You dont have to share something that you earned for yourself.

  8. If ya want it. Get it. But don't share with them. Its your money, your ipod.


  9. If it's your money and your parents say it's ok then your sisters should stay out of it and come up with they're own money to buy them one.

  10. play music really loud in the house and it will really annoy them thats how i'm getting my ipod

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