
How do I convince myself to do things when my whole body wants the opposite?

by Guest60954  |  earlier

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I'm socially phobic, but I REALLY want to get over it. I tried searching for a job today in town but it was a disaster. I circled around town in a figure eight formation twice before I could force myself to go into a clothing shop and ask if they had any jobs available. When they didn't I felt completely embarrassed and pathetic and went straight home. I KNOW I should have kept going and ask in another shop, but it was as if someone else took control of my body and I couldn't fight back. It's so frustrating! It's like I'm on auto-pilot when the phobia kicks in. How do I take back control of my body when I get like this?

All help appreciated.




  1. Well since you said you don't have a job I'm guessing going to the doctor for a prescription isn't an option. It sounds like you have an anxiety disorder. It's nothing to be ashamed of.  I'd say to set small goals and work your way of to being more confident. Next time you go out job hunting plan on asking at just 2 shops. That way your making progress.

  2. just yesterday I watched "The Secret" it's movie, book. It has really changed my father's (who has terminal cancer) life.  What it basically says is to close your eyes and envision yourself with what you want, to not dwell on what you don't want, but to really focus on what you want, to feel like you already have it and to let the universe rearrange itself to create what you want for you, so maybe in your case you could (in the comfort of your home) envision yourself out in the public, smiling, total control of your desires, and to focus so much that your are laughing and walking tall right it everyday, and perhaps it will happen.  I'm going to try it for things I want to can't hurt.  Good Luck!

  3. you have to kep fighting and not letting in. your a girl with her head in the clouds right? well let the guy who wants to ehlp you be a fighter stand by you until we both find what we are looking for. keep your head up

  4. breathing excersizez

    tell your anxiety that YOU want to be in control. your world shouldnt revolve around your social anxiety.

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