
How do I cope with depression?

by Guest34140  |  earlier

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How do you get out of depression? It's like a black hole that sucks you in and everything seems so worthless in life, It happens to me occasionally and I want it to stop getting the best of my life. I've had a traumatizing childhood and now I feel things in the present bring thoughts from the past. I'm seventeen, I have a councilor and talk about alot of stuff. But why does depression occur anyways?




  1. Theta dont need councelors

    but if you're skeptical or fearful, it cant work

    DON'T take medication; waste of money & energy. nature's solutions are always better

  2. I went to a counsellor first too for depression.  I needed medication and got that from a psychiatrist.  It really helps me to take medication.  Realize it is not your fault.  It is a chemical imballance in the brain that causes depression.

  3. i'm 18, my father had depression... he killed himself when i was pretty young. Mum said that it may have had to do with him having low cholesterol because it effects your moods. You can also be genetically susceptible. He was also put on a pill for depression and was unliky enough that it wasn't the correct one for him and made him have suicidal thoughts. The best thing is to make sure you get help and are sorrounded by people who will be able to help you through, just remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel if you mannage to overcome it.  

  4. Mental depression results from chronic accumulation of disappointment, frustration, and stress in dealing with daily life in pursuing the fulfillment of food and s*x life.

    When we are not happy with someone or something, what should we do?  Life experience has taught us what we should do; that is to clearly identify, understand, and inquest the following three questions:

    1. Who are we?

    2.  Who or what is someone or something that     we are unhappy with?

    3. What is the real face or nature of that someone or something that made or has made us unhappy?


    Who are we?

    We are the accumulation of our own past, including inherent genetic inheritance, the result of upbringing in the family, the outcome of education, and the experience in living over lifetime. Through a careful examination on this question, we should be able to easily assess and realize what are the quality and quantity of our spiritual and physical value, ability, and capacity in managing all the required events of daily life and living. The possession of the acquired spiritual and physical value, ability, and capacity enables us to interact with our internal and external environments and to detect what it can be good or bad for us, that is, the sense of need.  From there, an action takes place to bring in something spiritually and physically to satisfy our momentary and situational need under a circumstance. The variation in the difference of our past clearly reflects in the observation of the difference in individual behavioral patterns in response to a reality circumstance at different time and location.


    Who or what is someone or something that we are unhappy with?

    Unhappiness results from a failure in effectively and successfully managing daily events of life and living.  The affairs occurring in family, marriage, friendship, society, nation, and the world may reward or hurt someone's feelings through the process of bringing in the success or failure in managing life. All these occurrences comprise the contents of our life.  In fact, the need and activities for fulfilling the matters of food and s*x life display the beauty and ugliness of life at personal and social levels everywhere in the world.  To address the issue of with what or whom you are not happy, first, we have to look into some details of facts and truth of life as discussed in the following chapter 3 – What is Life?

  5. Alot of times people start feeling depressed when they are having a difficult time finding things that make them feel good. It can be a real challenge to stay "up" and feel optimistic when down deep we do not experience any happiness. The reason we feel this way is due to how we are created if you will, to always be seeking out the next thing that will bring us some sense of satisfaction. When that is not occurring we often begin to feel down or low. This system that we operate on, the need to be satisfied or have a sense of peace with in us, is not a bad thing or something to be fixed, because without it, we simply could not exist. The only challenge is in figuring out why we no longer feel this happiness we so desperately desire, and once we do, how to change our desires so that there will always be that sense of fulfillment. The video here will explain this in detail and I hope you find it as interesting as I did. I wish you well in the future and good luck finding the answers you are searching for.

  6. It could be genetic, from your environment, or both.  It is nothing that you did wrong.  Depression happens to many, many people.  If it gets really bad you might consider an antidepressant.

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