
How do I cope with my frustration?

by  |  earlier

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When it comes to responsibility and such, I am extremely capable. I finish chores efficiently, complete homework quickly and well, and focus on achieving in a variety of activities. My parents, however, don't seem to communicate on the same level with me. They question me incessantly, get angry about menial and trivial things, and are constantly insulting me. For example, the A.C. In my room doesn't function properly sometimes, so heat causes a certain smoke-like smell to come out. My parents, immedietly as they step in my room, start searching for cigarettes. Constantly they call me an idiot, fool, and many other terms that make me sad. The amount of stress they put on me is extremely heavy, so much so that my hair has turned completely gray/white, causing me to dye it behind their backs. They do not understand how much inner turmoil this style of parenting has on me. When I try to explain this to them campy and rationally, they start yelling and threatening to beat me, so much so that I start crying. The thing is, I'm only 14. Please help me.




  1. try talking to your parents calmly about how they make you feel...

    i'm sorry! i wish i could give u a hug:]

    talk to someone you trust like a friend or teacher

    write a letter to them explaining how they make you feel.

    try to find a camp or sport you can do to make friends and pass time.

    good luck8D

  2. Pick up some sort of hobby. Guitar playing is good. Something like that. Or try talking to them about it at dinner time, etc. every day at least once without hostilty.

  3. Well my thoughts would be to go to a friend and just vent from time to time because even though you don't realize it you are building up tons of anger on the inside and you don't want the anger to control you, you want to control it. If you could find a time when they are in a good mood to talk to them and explain as well, that would be good. If it gets really bad and they do beat you then get out. Don't wait for them to apologize. Just leave and get far away. get somewhere safe. No one is allowed to do that to anyone. What they are doing to you is considered emotional abuse. And it might be hard but you need to get out. No one wants to leave their home at 14 and go to the police station and say something like i want to leave my house my parents are emotionally abusive and testifying is incredibly hard. But if you wait until you are 18 to leave and just take the easy way out, the impact that will have on your life it horrible. Those who grow up in homes like yours across the world often have homes like that later in life. And they don't realize that they are doing it. You would hate for that to be you in the years to come treating your kids like that. So if it doesn't get better, get out. You don't have to put up with it. tell an adult, tell a friend, tell a teacher. Tell someone and do something about it. Don't stay there and let it scare you for life. And trust me, it will only get worse if you stay. And it will be hard. But the things in life worth fighting for are hard to get. If you need to talk, not that i'm the best one for that, message me sometime ok? I won't tell. I don't know you. lol. i can't.

  4. Oh, man, if parents only know how badly they s***w up their children.  Do you have any adult with whom you can talk?  A school counselor?  A minister or priest?  If not, here's a hotline where you'll find a sympathetic, knowledgeable, capable adult who can advise you.  

    1-800-422-4453 [push 1 when the machine answers]

      Call and have a chat with them.  There are steps you can take.  It will take some courage on your part but you need help and it IS available.

  5. I am the same age as you pal. The way i deal with my parents when there mean to me is that i talk to them CALMLY don't start crying or anything because then they will stop listening to you. And if they are not there (my friend told me this) just scream in a pillow so you can release the stress from your self. Hope I helped

  6. First off let me say that you seem to be very smart and well spoken for your age! Second this is not the way you should be spoken to when you seem to be a very well behaved teen who always does what he is told to do. I suggest you seriously tell your parents that you need to sit down and have a talk and explain to them how the way that they treat you makes you feel. If this does not work or if they refuse let them know that you will be speaking to a counsler either at school or at a local teen club. As for the situation with the ac in your room, I do believe that you really don't smoke because what reason would you have to hide it in here? So I would turn off the ac for a few days and let the room air ou of the smoke smell then ask your parents to come in and show them that when you turn it on is when the smell enters the room. Good luck, and if nothing else works just stay strong and smart,  and remember that in four years you will be 18 and then you can go off to college and get out on your own!

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