
How do I correct my hook with my new Callaway driver?

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I had been slicing the ball but recently purchased a Big Bertha 460 11* driver and the face looks to me slightly closed. Has anyone used this driver before and do you agree that it has a closed face?? How can I still use this driver and not get the ball to hook on me??




  1. get a better swing

  2. you first have to understand what causes a hook and what causes a slice, and not only that, there are many different styles of hooks and slices, theres push slices (real bad - start off to the right and slice further to the right) a slice, a fade, theres pull hooks - again bad, hooks, draws, ect... anyway, if u know for a fact that you club face is square at impact, a hook is caused by the down swing and follow through, a hook is caused by swinging the club accross the ball, make sure u get your club up over your shoulders on the back swing and on the downswing, make sure u start w/ your hips, lead w/ hands and let the lag catch up at impact but the most important thing is to follow through towards the target, your right are will be almost wrapped around your neck and the club directly over your left shoulder (not behind your back)

  3. Most modern drivers have a slightly closed face because most modern hackers come over the top and slice the ball.  Now you are probably still coming over the top, but your clubface is closed so you get the pull hook.  Isn't modern equipment wonderful?  It is so much better than learning to make a good golf swing - just spend more on equipment.

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