
How do I correct these bad behaviors with my pony?

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She is a quarter paint 16 yrs old, 14 hands.

1. My new pony stands to close to her stall door when I come to get her and I need in.

2.She is a little head shy when puting on a fly mask, or bridle and will pull her headup.

3.My pony will try to pull me forward when leading her.

4. When cross tied she seems nervous and will sway her body back and forth.

She has only been in her new home for four days, could this be causing these behaviors? What can I do to correct these behaviors?




  1. 1. Every time she does that, push her away and then wait until she stays away then put on her halter of whatever you need to do.

    2. Hold her nose with your hand so she can throw it up as you said. She will then learn to let you touch her face (i have a head shy pony too)

    3. She will "try" you say. Does she succeed? If you let her do it, she will continue doing it. Next time she does it, immediately back her up and command her to stand still.

    4. Don't cross-tie her if she has never been cross-tied before. Try safety-knotting her to a metal ring. If you do not have that option, ask somebody to hold her while she stands where she usually stands with the cross-ties. If she continues swaying, try grooming and tacking up in her stall.

    I hope I could help!

  2. I only have experience with the first problem.

    When you approach the stall door, open it slowly while you click and say "back up."

    She should get the message after a while.

    None of these problems seem too serious, but good luck!

  3. i think it sounds like your quite inexpirenced.

    to get her to move back in the stable, elbow her chest and say 'back, get back'

    get her used to the fly mask and rember she may not have ever worn one before and horses can play up with owners they have known since birth when it comes to fly masks, perhaps she is headshy Go in the stable with a chair or something you can stand on and she will soon learn she cant get away with you, i had the smae head in the air peoblem with a 17.2 hh TB at my friends yard and thats how i overcame it.

    when you turn he rout, put her in a chifney ported snaffle, it hurts the roof of their mouth but when she realises it hurts when she pulls, she wont pull and you should onl need to use it 2 or 3 times before she stops.

    if cross tying is what i think it is (im English) then erhaps she has had some bad expirences with it before, how old is she?

    i suggest either dont cross tie her or reassure her and pat her until she becomes mor ehappy with it.

    good luk.

  4. give her a week to settle in =] but if it continues

    1. move her out of the way. she is probalby just seeing her whatg going on. put her halter on and move her back into the stall and make her stand there for a few minutes each time

    2.Head shy can be from a troubled past. or she might not trust you. once she gets to know you more she will let you do more things around her head

    3. shank on her. thats all you can do. stand your ground cause your boss! you might want to use a chain on her halter a few times

    4. she may be nervous! but after she settles in if it continues you have to get agrasive to show her whos boss. i use a sweat scraper and tap the horse with it so they move back to where they were

    good luck!

  5. 1- When you open the stall door, push her backwards by pressing on her chest. When she backs away from the door, praise her.

    2- Take it slow, rub the fly mask on her nose and the side of her cheek. Get her used to it, then make your way up to her eyes. Reward her once it's on. Try feeding her a treat down low so she has to lower her head to get it. Continue to touch her face and ears while you are praising her.

    3- Teach her to have some respect for your personal space. If she walks ahead of you, make her halt. Do it over and over again until she stops when you stop. Use "chicken wings" with your elbows to keep her out of your bubble. Also, use voice commands when you ask her to walk and halt. It will make things easier later.

    4- She may have had a bad experience with cross ties. Give her time, love on her and praise her when she's there, and try to make it happy time. Don't discipline her for acting like she's nervous, just praise her when she acts the proper way.

  6. You are both new to each other and she is to her new home so she will that time to get used to things. Also she is 16 years old pony she might just be used to doing things a certain way. Also talk to her in a calm voice and pet her.

  7. just give her some time to get to know you and she should get better(My pony had the same problem)

  8. talk to your instructor and tell her it makes you uncomfortable. she should be willing to help you learn these basic ground skills. you may be kinda small and need to carry a crop or something to tap her so she moves.

  9. give her some time to adjust...some of these "behaviors" your referring to may simply go away once she is adjusted. your a new person too. try to keep that in mind when your putting her fly mask on, take it slow talk to her while your doing that, over time she should settle down.

    put a chain over her nose when your leading her, let her know  your the boss of the situation. after some time you should be able to take the chain off and she should behave just fine.

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