
How do I crack my lower back?

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It's really sore. Right above my butt. I need to crack it. What kind of exercises or motions should I do to crack it?




  1. Make two fists, now stick your knuckles wherever you want to crack it, then press hard and lean back. You can also lean over a chair backwards, but that doesnt really work that well and kinda hurts.

  2. That is a very popular spot for back pains. My back constantly hurts there. One option is to see a chiropractor. They crack your back for you and can find out why it is hurting.

    Another way to help ease the pain is to lie on your stomach, and have someone (particularly someone heavier than you) gently press on your back where it hurts.

    There are also some ways to crack your back on your own. Okay it's kinda hard to explain but I will try my best. Stand near a wall or table. Just a couple of steps/inches in front of it. Then stand with your feet about shoulder length apart. Plant your feet firmly in the ground. DO NOT move them. Keep them facing forward. Then, reach behind you and grab the table or press against the wall. Try to pull yourself the opposite way. For instance, if you turn to the right, grab the table or press against the wall and pull yourself to the left WITHOUT moving your legs or feet. Just your upper body.

    This way is a little harder to explain, but another way to crack your back is to spread your feet WIDE apart. Bend your legs and put your hand right where your knees bend, except a little more towards your thighs. Then twist your back and turn to the side. Keep your feet planted. And keep your legs facing forward. Push down with your hands on your legs and twist your whole upper body to one side.

    Good luck and I hope I helped! :)

  3. usually doinga backbend will crack it for me.

    ask a friend or someone to give you a massage. =]

  4. When I was pregnant with my son, and my back hurt horribly, I learned to pop it by tightening up my butt muscles. I still do it and it feels so great!!

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