
How do I create a Group Mail of email IDs. Kindly let me know the procedure asap.?

by  |  earlier

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A group of certain members I would like to give a GROUP NAME and send email. Also when a member of that particular group replies, the other members also would get the reply. Kindly let me know how to go ahead in establishing the list.




  1. To create, edit, or delete a category:

    1. Click the Contacts tab to open your Address Book.

    2. On the left side of your Address Book page, next to "Categories", click Edit.

    3. To add a new category, click the Add Category button on the far left. Enter a name for your category and select the sort order. Click Add Category when you're finished.

    4. To edit a category, click Edit next to the category name. Make your edits, then click the Save button.

    5. To delete a category, click Delete next to the category name, and then the Delete Category button.

    6. Note: You can also make changes to categories by clicking Options -- which is displayed on your top right hand side on your address book. Then from there you can begin the process.


    How do I send email to a group of contacts?

    1. Click Compose to open a Compose page.

    2. Now, click To:. This opens your Address Book in a sub-window.

    3. Beside any names to which you’d like to send the email, check either the To:, Cc: or Bcc: box. (Bcc: sends the email to someone, but their name will not appear in the address block of the Sent mail.)

    4. When you’ve checked all the contacts you wish to add, click Insert Checked Contacts.

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