
How do I create an original gift basket to give a married couple during the reception?

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I am the maid of honor at my sister's wedding and want to give them a themed basket during my speech. So far I am including a bottle of pledge so that they will always remember to "pledge" themselves to one another. A box of sweetarts so that they remember to enjoy the sour with the sweet of life and a penny so that they will never be broke. Any other ideas of items to include?




  1. Kleenex tissue so they can wipe away the tears of joy.

    A tiny calculator so they can learn to do their finances together.

    A bible so they can always have a good book to read.

    A new address book so they can combine their friends into one book.

    A small bottle of Joy so they will always be happy.

    A bar of Dove soap so there will always be peace in the house.

    A small box of Glad.

    You can probably find a lot just walking down the aisles of a grocery store!  

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