
How do I cross lines in a sprinkling system?

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My sprinkling system design calls for some of the PVC lines to cross. How can I do this? Do I need to re-route them around each other or can they cross at 90 degree angles? It seems like with the weight of the dirt, one my crush the other over time.




  1. I would think that you would want to put a support system (a sort of block) to support the lines.

    I would also think that you need a block at locations where the line changes direction.

  2. Foam pipe insulation forms a good cushion. packing the dirt firmly under the pipes helps too

  3. At the point where they cross, dig the pipe on the bottom deeper into the ground. Leave the pipe crossing at the top at its regular depth, and dig the bottom pipe down say 6 inches below the top one at the intersection point. Then when you backfill the dirt in, there will be a 6 inch depth difference, and this should not cause a problem between the two pipes.

  4. This is not normally a big deal with sprinkler lines. You usually only have foot traffic over them, so there's not much chance of crushing them.

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