
How do I cure a hangover?

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A vodka straight hangover.

I dont have a headache, i just feel like i'm going to throw up, even though i'm not.

I've tried paracetamol

Big greasy bacon butty.

Lot's of water.


I don't usually drink and has completely reinforced why I don't.

Suggestions would be very much appreciated.





  1. no wonder ur gonna throw up. look at all the sh*t you've eaten!

    Bacon Buddy??

    Sorry dear, you're gonna have to ride this one out.

  2. there is no cure

    you just have to give it time

  3. yea quit drinking

  4. drink a beer and it will go away

  5. Lots of water...sometimes it helps to actually have a beer or two to help(Don't go more than two cuz its probably am now). You are dehydrated and need to replenish your fluids!!

  6. hangovers are you coming down off of alchohol, also a lack of water and vitamins in your system, drink a beer, drink water, take a v-8 or I take a shot of Jus antioxidant

  7. Nux Vomica 30 one dose.  

       Don't find that. use some yoghurt.  It will help reduce its intensity.

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