
How do I cure a slice in golf. I am left handed?

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How do I cure a slice in golf. I am left handed?




  1. Perfect question for me because I'm left handed. so there a couple ways to fix this either on your down swing your getting to quick with the legs and opening up so try to get you hands a bit quicker through. and also you probably taking a small shoulder turn, so try taking a bit bigger of a shoulder turn then drive the left leg through!. hope i helped cheers and good luck with your game

  2. There are a lot of quick fixes and drills people recommend, but the real key to permanently fixing a slice is to develop an inside-out swing path during the downswing.  Developing an inside-out downswing requires an understanding of the basic fundamentals of the golf swing, and some dedicated practice.   In order for your body to perform an inside-out move correctly, you must set up your body correctly to easily make the inside-out move.   This includes a proper grip, stance, posture, and a correct backswing.   If you can afford it, I would recommend some lessons from a professional.   If not, pick up the Hogan's Fundamentals of Golf book, it is great and you could probably get it from Amazon for 5 bucks or less.  I refer to it periodically when my swing gets out of whack, and it helps EVERY time.   If you typically slice the ball I guarantee you the "proper" swing set-up and movements will feel very awkward and perhaps uncomfortable at first.   Be patient and dilligent.   If you get proper training or instruction in the fundamentals of the swing, and practice them, you will eliminate your slice and develop a beautiful, straight, powerful shot, probably with a nice little draw.

  3. I'm a lefty too and just had a golf lesson after work yesterday.

    I have developed a habit of pushing the ball left or a slice left.  Couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong, so I took a lesson.

    We worked on 2 of my swing flaws yesterday and by the end of the lesson I saw immediate results.

    First of all, my setup & grip were fine.  I'll assume yours is too.

    I was taking the club back too far inside which caused me to swing over the top on my downswing.  This caused a push or slice.  The pro had me take the club back a little steeper which immediately improved my swing plane.

    After improving the swing plane, the slice went away, but the push was still there.  The pro said I wasn't releasing the club which left the club face open at impact and resulted in a push.  If a lefty properly releases the club, the back of your right hand should be facing the target.  For the rest of the lesson, he had me focus on rolling my wrists when I initiated my downswing.  This was to make the back of my right hand face the target at impact.  The pro told me the key is to have the clubface square at impact.

    I did struggle with these changes a bit during the lesson, but by the end of the lesson, I was hitting the majority of my shots straight.  Now I have two things I can focus on when I practice at the range.  Hope I wasn't too wordy and I hope this helps.

  4. roll your hands that is the secrete, when you hit the ball roll your hands over it to the right and shut the club face a bit, this will put draw spin on it

    i do it every time

  5. I wanted to learn how to stop slicing the ball and I have.

    I now play all of my tee shots for a straight ball or a slight draw. I was surprised how simple it was to learn. My setup was poor before I started to use the program. I now have the proper posture, grip, and setup position to hit the ball straight with authority for more distance.

    Stop Slicing - The Most Efficient Way to Stop Slicing. Great for beginners, high and low handicappers.  

    Do you really want to make some serious improvements, for more information reading the following reference for further understanding.

    Enjoy.... !

  6. Some of the reasons for sliced shots:

    : Clubface open at impact and the left shoulder


    : Swing plane from 'out to in';

    : Upper body sways forward towards target at

      impact; and

    : Ball position at address more towards the right


    If you could address & overcome the above weaknesses during your practice sessions at the driving range I reckon you should be able to cure your slice problem.

  7. There is no greater feeling than standing on the tee with your driver having the confindence that you will hit a good, straight drive. It inspires you to play a lot better. The cure of the dreaded slice may be a lot easier than you think. Start by taking a friend to the range with you that, of course has some experience. Take your normal stance. I'm pretty sure you will find your stance and shoulders are open. A lot of times, you might think you are standing square, but you are not. Start with stance that is a little closed with your driver pointed at your target.  Strenghten your grip. (counterclockwise toward you). You should see almost two knuckles on your right hand. This in itself will help to square your right shoulder. Don't sway back and forth. Swing around your spine, into the ball. Not across of it with an outside in motion. Also, swing slower with a good tempo and then slowly build up.  These are minor adjustments that, at first may feel different. But, I,m sure with the proper stance, grip and alignment, you will be pleasantly surprised.

    Hope this may help you.

    A fellow lefty.

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