
How do I cure jet lag for my kids and I?

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My kids and I flew back from Shanghai, China 4 days ago and have suffered bad jet lag. Any ideas for curing jet lag for kids and adults?




  1. I'm a former int'l Flight Attendant and I now fly over 9 time zones with my own three kids a lot. We are right now just over jet lag from our last trip...

    First, get yourselves on a schedule that resembles your new time zone. I use 5-10am for getting up and 8-midnight for bed. Once you're on some sort of schedule, you can roll it forward or back, depending on the circumstances. Set an alarm if necessary (9:30am, I recommend and then you're up by 10).

    At bedtime, or just before, stop all "screens" (computer, DS players, TV, etc.) Keep the lights low and head the kids off to slumberland, even if they're saying they don't feel like it. Read a bit, or whatever your bedtime routine is, and turn off the light.

    If someone has to get up at night, have a nightlight in the bathroom. Have not-too-sugary or salty snacks available. Remember that your stomachs also have to adjust. I want a full meal at 2am! A quick bagel and a glass of milk send me back to slumberland. Again, don't whip on full lights in the kitchen. Keep it quiet and as dark as possible.

    Do NOT wake up and turn on the T.V. or computer. This is the worst thing you can do. This supresses the melatonin which your body needs to readjust.

    You can take melatonin in pill form but I don't give it to my kids. It can cause nightmares. Talk to a doctor before giving them anything.

    Make sure you all are drinking enough. Long flight dehydrate and the symptoms are similar. The two can work together to make you all feel rough.

    During the day, get out of the house. Move and get into the sunlight. What worked this time was taking my kids to the pool (although one was cranky). Still, she stayed up and went to sleep at bedtime that day. A mall is good in bad weather.

    Stay away from beds coaxing you to lie down in them!

    Sometimes you can't avoid a nap. If you or your kids give in, which I don't recommend, but keep it to less than 2 hours, and only if bedtime is more than 4 hours away.

    Eat all meals at the "normal" time for the new time zone. Even if they pick at it, insist they eat a little.

    Hope that helps and good luck!

  2. give him permidemyn injection ...

  3. Drink water instead of sodas or caffeinated drinks, and force yourself not to take a nap so that you'll go to bed at a "normal" hour.

    I've read somewhere that it takes 1 day for every time zone you cross to recover from jet lag, so don't be surprised if you still feel behind schedule after a few days. Give it time.

    If you're still feeling under the weather about a week from now, make an appointment with your doctor - you *might* have picked up something while in China (it's unlikely, but not impossible).

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