
How do I cure my fever?

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I've had a fever for a few days now, and it won't seem to go away. It almost gets worse every day.

I get super freezing to the point I'm shivering to death, and then I get super hot to the point I'm sweating. I'm drinking lots of water, and trying to get rest. I have a severe headache, the biggest one I have ever felt; and its hard to concentrate and think properely.

How can I cure my fever fast?




  1. I'll just give you a list of things I use and research it for your self if you want to use them and write me if you have any questions.

    I quart of gatorade per day.

    100% pure cranberry juice.

    Chicken soup.


    Olive leaf extract capsules.

    Wild Oregano by North American Herb and Spice.

    Horsetail Rush herb.{For thinning mucus in lungs}

    Robitussin DM{Cough Suppressant and expectorant} used to get mucus out and horstail used with Cough syrup to make mucus come out thin because when thick it stays in lungs.

    Chickweed{Used to open airways and overall lung support}

    Tabasco in water{Used to clear sinuses,fight infection and is a used as acatalyst for all nutrients}

    Spirulina capsules 3 grams a day or more is used to replace nutrients lost by lack of eating.

    Fenugreek herb is used to decrease fluid going into lungs.

    WARNING! Anyone can be allergic to anything although rare. So always start slow IF you decide to try what I use.

    Moreover if you are underage make sure you check with parents first and you can still do the other things that do not involve herbs if you so choose.

    Hope you feel better!

    PS. If you here from any doctors here that watch my response to them because if they are good doctors they will agree with me.

  2. MORE COW BELL!!  

  3. you can regulate temperature with medicine like advil or tylenol...if it's a virus it will eventually be beaten by your body if you keep eating and drinking and staying healthy...if it's a bacterial thing you may need some antibiotics in which you would need a perscription.  but your best bet is to see a DOCTOR!!!

  4. For me i always get a cool cloth and put over my head. Then i take vitamins, eat soup (tomato and cream of mushroom is what i prefer and like), and drink some water with a tablet that can be mixed with water called 'Airborne'. Hope this helps :)

  5. You don't want to cure the fever, as that's not what the real problem here is. The fever is a symptom, it's your body's way of trying to fight off a nasty infection.

    Take your temperature regularly, keep a record of it.

    You need to get to the doctor, and get to the bottom of whatever is making you sick like this. You could have a viral or bacterial infection that needs attention.

    In the meantime, drink lots of fluids. Not just water, but juice. Are you eating and keeping things down?

    If your temperature ever reaches higher than 102, get to the hospital. Otherwise just get yourself to your doctor. If they won't see you soon, get to a walk in clinic or the E.R. even if it means you'll wait a few hours.

  6. continue resting and eat chicken noodle soup...the veggies are healthy, the chicken has protein, and the broth gets rid of mucous and soothes the throught..i also hear that you can take an arootabega , it thats how you spell it, cut off the top part, pour in some brown sugar, place the top back on and in a day there will be a syrup and i think that might cure it  

  7. Gee, I know how you feel. I have the exact same symptoms as you. My temperature spiked 102.F yesterday. The only thing you can do is rest and drink lots of water. if the fever lasts for more than 5 days then go and see a doc.  

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