
How do I customize my 360 theme if the window comes up but the picture won't change?

by  |  earlier

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I cannot get it to change from the one picture, even though I do preview and I have done reset.




  1. Looking at your other question and Kee's answer to that question, if it doesn't work, there is a glitch in your page. In other words, that part of your page is not working.

    Since 360 is integrating (or mixing) with Mash sometime in the very near future, Yahoo! is no longer fixing any problems with 360. They are using all of their man power to work on the new integration.

    Before we could tell you to go report it and they would fix it. Now, we can't even do that. :-(

    Sorry. :-( Wish we could help further.


  2. If you are choosing one of the pre-made themes you need to click on apply before it will take affect on your page.  If you are doing the whole thing custom.  Then after you preview it you MUST hit save!!!

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