
How do I dance at a club?

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I'm going to a club for the first time in a few days, but I never really dance. I don't want to make an *** out of myself. Any advice?!




  1. depends on  what type of club

    if tis "Black" night its all about the girl moving her hips

    if its "white" night its all about moving your bodie

    if its "hill billie" night its a like a bard yard dance

  2. if your not really a dancer..then you dont have anything to worry about...if your a good dancer then yes all eyes will be on you...judging you

    but if your not really a dancer then dont worry no one is watching you, ecspecially if its a crowded club...if your nervous try this......go with a few friends to the very center of the dance floor where it is completly crowded...just kinda stand there for a min...and just kinda rock back and forth to the sound of the SNARE DRUM...notice that really no one is paying much attention to you cuz there worried about the girl there with....or there drink....or just whatever...there really is no technique unless your a Real dancer battling someone or something....... just go and have a good time~~~!!!

  3. normalery just feel the groove just DO NOT do any thing crazy

  4. It's not as hard as you think, just don't overdo it. Just watch everyone else for a little while and try to imitate that naturally and whatever you do, do NOT try any big dance moves. That is so embarrassing for a beginner.

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