
How do I deal with a CRAZY mother in law?

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Ok well my husband used to be a momma's boy really bad apparently until he met me. So she is blaming me saying ' I stole her boy blah blah blah ". She is really bad into drugs (crack) and whenever they spend time together she tries to get him to do drugs (which he doesn't) or tries to start a fight between us. I am 21, and got married very young at 19. I love my husband more than anything in the world but I just can't deal with his family anymore. They all seem to be against me when I know I am not perfect, but I am a nice person. And to top it all off, my mom passed away unexpectedly 3 months ago. My mom was my best friend and now I feel so alone. They don't help at all they just make me more depressed. Will my marriage work out with his family always trying to push us apart? He does stand up for me SOMETIMES, but he "doesn't like drama" and lets it go most of the time. It is just not fair to me. I do not want to leave my hubby because I truly love him, but how do I make his mother stop this nonsense? Is there a way to get her out of my life? (besides killing her, i've already thought of that one lol)




  1. First and foremost be careful what you wish for. If you truly love him sit down with him look into his eyes and express what you truly feel about this situation. Do not talk bad about his mother, he will defend her to the end.  If you claim to be a nice person then there should no mistake that they will see that in you eventually. Stay positive and fight what is rightfully yours. I can not tell you that your mother in law will be out of your life. Is it possible for you and your husband to move far away? That worked for me. Does your husband back you up? Does he truly love you? These are the questions you must ask yourself.

  2. Hi hon.

    No one likes drama, but it seems to me your boyfriend has no boundaries in his life when it comes to others.  We have to set limits to what we will tolerate from others, and let them know.  While most people have common sense and know how to behave around others, there are some who just haven't a clue.

    I don't' think it's a wise or healthy idea for you to "hang out" around your mother in law.. i'm sure you have other things to do... and healthier things, as well.

    If you are living in the same home as the mother in law, get OUT of there... you are putting yourself in an emotionally unsafe situation, if so.  

    You do not have to spend so much time with his family... do things with friends, start a hobby, go hiking (it's free), take a class.

    I'm very sorry about the death of your mom.  I miss my mother too.  sending big hugs your way.. i hope you get good and helpful answers here.

  3. he needs to be the one to take a stand. you need to ask him which relationship is worth salvaging, yours or his moms. tell him that you prefer not to be around a crack addict that constantly disrespects you.

  4. I wouldn't let her in my door if she came in id throw her out in the yard or put her in a dog house lol and tie her up gag her lol  seriousally i got talked into marrying my kids dad when i was 20 years old my mom just died two years before i met him his mother treated me like dirt he was her baby too i was my mothers youngest girl i was next to the baby i have a younger brother i put up with him and her for ten years mostly because i had two kids by him i love my kids very much but not him        he got killed tearing a house down so ill quit talking about that because he is my kids dad so all i can say you need to get out from him and his drug mama

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