
How do I deal with a Self Centered psycotic Co-worker?

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THis woman drives me crazy! I even have dream that I tell her what I really think about her!..SHe's a grown spoiled brat..Sometimes we say good morning and ignores us..then she has the audacity to claim that we SNUBBED her!! I tellher well what about all those other times you ignore us..and She still doesn't get that what she does is straight rude and obnoxious!! I used to ask her,"how are you?" and all I would get is her life sucks, how everything sux, how her mom she wants her mom to fix her will so she gets a lump sum, how she has bad luck..etc.......I'm so fed up!! then when we order food she always wants us to bring something for her but SHE never volunteers to go herself!!!Im just so fed up I want to slap her and knock some sence into her!!




  1. grow up!!

  2. You come across as immature or at the least, inexperienced, even if you are a young adult. Why allow this individual to get to you? If she is so disruptive to everyone in the office place that efficiency and morale suffer, go to your immediate superior with examples. Carry a digital audio recorder and record this woman's bad verbal behavior. After reviewing, if you still feel that she is at fault, and no one else is, then take the recorder to your boss. Should he or she ask for proof, show the recorder.

  3. Just ignore her. Go to work, make your money, do your job and don't let this person make you nuts...Or, you can "kill" her with so sweet to her it drives her nuts. Either way, you win.

  4. Your co-worker is depressed.  Ask if she's tried drinking lithium enriched water.  Does she have insurance?  The medical field is full of new drugs to deal with anxiety and depression.  If nothing else works, have the entire office take the medication, at least she won't bug you guys as much.

  5. It's obvious that you can not change her, so the only thing you can do is for yourself.

    If you let her bug you that lets her control you.

    Choose not to act irrational in reaction to her behavior.

    If she doesn't like how you react to her, that is a problem she has to deal with.  Just like what your doing now with her.

  6. fast solution.lose her.have absolutly nothing to do with her.when some one talks to are not required to answer.crazy people will drive you crazy if you continue to mix with them.and you will find that you will sleep better.good luck.DO IT.

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