
How do I deal with a bully?

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I have had various brushes with bullies as we all have. But anyway I remember last time I told anyone they bullied me worse coz I waz a "Momma's boy" Should I just give these guys a taste of there own meds? Or ahould I just ignore them and let them bully me?




  1. The only real way to deal with a bully is to ignore them as long as they are not causing you physical or emotional harm. Individuals that are unhappy with themselves pick on others in order to feel more important or popular. More than likely the bully is trying to cover up or mask something that is happening or going on with their self. I would first try talking to the bully and let them know how that makes you feel or what that does to you. If that does not work go tell someone what is happening so maybe the issue can be resolved. I would only suggest taking matters into your own hands once everything else has failed. I will say that you have a human right to defend yourself but violence only begets more violence and is never the solution.

  2. First and foremost you should report this to the highest authority in school and talk to them about your problems. Secondly, please inform your parents about it too. Lastly and the most important thing to do is not ignore them. Face them. The main thing about bullies are that they love to bully guys who are weak in nature and get hassled very easily. I know it not easy but put up a brave front and smile at the one who is bullying as if to say that you pity his remarks....that you feel sorry for him. You have to show him that you are unperturbed by their remarks. But dont every run away from them. Am sure they will get fed up of doing this one day when they realise that you are not just affected by what they are saying.

  3. go and stabb him with a pen right on the gut, then kick him in the nuts... that will teach him.. but 1st drink a monster energy drink..capichsss.

  4. Ok, how old are you?  I was never bullied at school, I was probably the person who bullied people, so I don't really know how to deal with a situation like this from where you're coming from, but I would just say hang low and let them get bored, but don't get all depressed about it.

    Edit:  Ok, 'Gamer10', if they are teasing you about your weight, no offence, but you should probably do something about it.  For your emotional self and your physical self.  By your name I guess you spend some of your time playing computer games.  I'm pretty sure you could find some sport that is funner than burning your eyes and fighting a dragon with a mouse.

    Also, if you can get expelled at your school, don't fight back, otherwise you could get expelled.  Try to get them caught by the teachers while they are bullying you.

  5. I'm not sure if you're into NBA, but Kevin Garnett had a great quote to say after winning the championship.

    "You ever go to school and you had a bully mess with you every day? I know everybody ain't no tough guy here. It's like that bully that you go to school every day [with] and you know when you get out of your mom's or dad's car, you know you're going to see him as soon as you walk through the doors, he's sitting there waiting to pat your pockets and mess with you. Then one day you say, 'This is going to stop today!' You walk in and as soon as the bully pats your pockets you lay his a** out and you see the expression on his face. You're sorta shook because you know what, you just knocked the bully out and you don't know how he's going to come back. The next morning when you come in and he's not there, it's like a sigh of relief. It's like getting rid of the bully. It's like I knocked the bully's a** out! I knocked his a** clean out. That's what it feels like. For all y'all who ain't been bullied, y'all got no idea what I'm talking about. But for y'all who have, you understand my story."

                           - Kevin Garnett

    So basically just knock his a** out.

    I actually had this dude back in like the 5th grade who always used to bully me. We were kinda friends but he always thought it was funny to sock me in the beans and other stupid s***. He did it all throughout the 5th grade and then kinda did it every once in awhile through jr. high.

    One day in 8th grade, homeboy got tough and through a pencil at me from across the table and it hit me dead in the eye. A bunch of our friends and baby girl who I was realllly into were there and kinda laughed off what happened. So you know what I did? Walked over to him and cold c**k'd him in the head and he fell out of his seat and just sorta sat there with his hands in his face. I just walked thinking d**n It Feels Good to Be a Gangsta. Needless to say the s*** ended that day :)

  6. Take Karate lessons.

  7. well let me ask you something... does that bully bullies lots of guys or only you??? if he does it to lots of guys then I'm gonna tell you something that proved very useful for me.. there used to be a bully in my school and he spared no one... one day we sat together and decided to stand up for our selves. we gathered around him and we gave him a butt kicking of a life time. he couldn't shaw us his face after that... so i think you've got to do it our way dude... speak to your friends. don't be afraid... kick a**....

  8. Give me a taste.

    The moment you prove that you arent a 'momma's boy' the moment the fun of bullying you is lost!

    Bullies only pick on weaker people as a way of proving strength!.. stand up, fight back.... it may only take one time to end your harrassment

  9. Tell him you don't care. Everytime he makes fun of you say "Oh ok whatever" and if he hits you or anything I would hit back or just walk away. I hope this helped.


  10. Bullies are normally cowards.Ever heard of that?

    Yes,give them a taste of their own medicine.if you don't,they will never stop bullying you.

  11. i'm also a topic of bullying in my school.i usually do the ignoring type of works for're not a weak're just not into fighting and arguements like me,right?but yo can't avoid it,right?i usually just keep quet.they just shut up in the next few days if you don't react at all.i never even get close top anyone coz it may cause bullying to me again.just ignore them....

  12. eh, WTF bullies are just plain retarded...... just play with their stupid miniscule minds, and just have fun.

    take advantage of their stupidity.

    That's what I've been doing when I was in grade school =)

    bullies want to see you be weak and react negativly e.g fighting, crying, saying that ur ignoring them, saying "stop it!", and the such. =p

  13. honestly, I think the best thing for you to do is tell your parents. If your parents call the school and raises a complaint, they might suspend the kid or something. Talk to a counselor; it doesn't have to be emberrasing. Just tell them someone Is bothering you to a point where you can't avoid it. If its an extreme, make sure you tell your parents to call the school and MAKE sure this ceases to stop.

    It also depends on your parents' beliefs, not all parents would call the school to complain, but if I had a child and something like this was happening i would not leave the school alone till a suspension was made. It all depends on how severe it is; I'd even sue if it was bad enough.

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